Thursday, March 08, 2007

JOHN 3:16

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Beautiful words, words of love spoken by the God who created us, because He wanted to, not because He needed to or had to. So we call on Him, this Son that was given for us and we get everlasting life.

And that my friend is not all there is. Oh, many of us settle for that. We accept Him, and invite Him into our life’s. We believe in Him, we go to church, we stand up and say, “I am a Christian.” And we think we have done something, when in fact we have done nothing.

Because if that is all you have done, it is not touching the beginning of what you are capable of doing. God does not need any of us. He has used a donkey to speak to a man. What does He need for us to do for Him that He is not capable of doing for Himself?

Should not perish and have everlasting life, never die and live forever. A wonderful promise and God does keep His word. But does it ever cross your mind to stand on a street corner and shout to the world, I have something that I want you to have.

Now wait a minute, who do I think I am to tell you something like that? Have I lost my mind? Do you need to call them to take me away? NO. But have you ever felt that way about this God who has given this gift to you. Think about it. How can we sit still and not say anything to anyone.

How can we go one day and not talk to someone and tell him or her about this wonderful gift that has been given to us? How can we know someone for years and never mention God to him or her?

When is the last time that you have chosen to step outside your own circle and talked to someone about the wonderful God you claim to serve? Am I stepping on your toes, good, I am trying.

How can we sit by and not talk to others about the greatest gift that has ever been given to man? How can we talk in our groups, about oh, we love the Lord so much, and never once step outside our comfort zone to witness to others.

How can you accept the gift that has been freely given to you, with no charge and not want to give it to others? How dare you do that!

Oh yes the promise was freely given, just for the act of sincerely asking for it. Yes we did have to ask for it. But to live the rest of our life’s not doing all we can to tell others, hey the gift cannot be taken away. It is ours. We have got it and there is no taking it back, God would not do that to us. He loves us too much.

I marvel at false religions that go out and knock on doors and try to reach out to people. Door after door is shut in their faces, and still the next week we see them right back at it. But we that have the truth sit in our comfortable little worlds knowing we are safe from hell and rarely take the time to tell anyone. Shame on us.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Take the time today to share it with someone.

God Bless


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