Sunday, March 25, 2007


54) I receive great satisfaction in doing small or trivial tasks in church.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
55) I desire to do the tasks which will free others for important ministry.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
56) It is more effective to delegate a task to someone else rather than to do it myself.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
57) I enjoy the responsibility for the achievement of group goals.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
58) I appreciate the opportunity to financially support a critical situation.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
59) I sense joy in comforting people in difficult situations.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
60) The difference between truth and error is easily perceived by me.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
61) I am often ready to believe God will lead us through a situation when others feel it is impossible.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
62) People seem to feel very comfortable in my home.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
63) I like to create things with my hands.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
64) God consistently answers my prayers in tangible ways.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
65) I have visited a person who was sick, prayed that God would make them physically whole, and the person got better.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
66) I am able to relate well to Christians of different locations or cultures.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
67) I appreciate the opportunity to proclaim God's word to others.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
68) It is important for me to speak God's Word of warning and judgment in the world today.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
69) It is a joy to share what Jesus means to me with an unchurched neighbor.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
70) People like to bring their troubles & concerns to me because they feel I care.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
71) One of the joys of my ministry is training people to be more effective Christians.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
72) I feel secure in the fact that my musical ability will be of benefit to other people with whom I come in contact.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
73) People who are feeling perplexed often come to me for encouragement and comfort.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
74) I feel that I have a special insight in selecting the best alternative in a difficult situation.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
75) I have a clear understanding of Biblical doctrines (teachings).

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
76) I find more satisfaction in doing a job than finding someone else to do it.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
77) I appreciate a ministry of helping other people to bear their burdens.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
78) It is a thrill to inspire others to greater involvement in church work.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
79) The development of effective plans for church ministry gives me great satisfaction.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
80) It is a joy to see how much money I can give to the Lord.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
81) I enjoy ministering to a person who is sick in the hospital.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
82) I can judge well between the truthfulness and error of a given theological statement.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
83) People seem to view me as one who believes everything is possible.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
84) When missionaries come to our church I (would) like to have them come to my home.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
85) I see that the results of my working with various objects in God's creation help to improve and beautify that which other people have not seen nor developed.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
86) I faithfully pray for others recognizing that their effectiveness and total well-being depends on God's answer to prayers.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
87) I like to participate in ministry to the physically or emontionally ill and pray for their recovery.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
88) The thought of beginning a new church in a new community is exciting to me.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
89) I enjoy training workers in the congregation.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
90) In a Bible class it seems essential to share God's word even if it irritates others.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
91) I feel a deep concern for the unreached people in my community.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
92) I Enjoy a close relationship with people in a one to one situation.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
93) It is easy to organize materials for teaching a Bible class.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
94) Leading others in singing songs of praise to God or for pure enjoyment is personally satisfying.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
95) I would rather call on a delinquent family in my Church than an unchurched family.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
96) I have a strong sense of confidence in my solutions to problems.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
97) It is an exciting challenge to read and study a difficult book of the Bible.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
98) I like to do things without attracting much attention.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
99) If a family is facing a serious crisis, I enjoy the opportunity to help them.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
100) There is great satisfaction in having others follow me in performing a task.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
101) I would rather make decisions for the group than persuade them to reach the same decision.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
102) I can give sacrificially because because I know that God will meet my needs.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
103) It is a special satisfaction to visit people who are confined to their homes.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
104) I often seek the motives of a person and look beneath the words.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
105) When people are discouraged I enjoy giving them a positive vision.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
106) People seem to enjoy coming to my house.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
107) There is pleasure in drawing, designing and/or painting various objects.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
108) I find myself praying when I possibly should be doing other things.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
109) I feel strongly that my prayers for a sick person effect wholeness for that person.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree
110) More than most, I have a strong desire to see all people of other communities and countries won to the Lord.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree Somewhat
2 - Undecided
1 - Disagree Somewhat
0 - Completely Disagree

The Discovery Tool Profile Sheet
Transfer your scores for each question into the following table, then compute the sum of each row. This provides your score for each gift
1. Apostle 1____ 23____ 45____ 67____ 89____ = ____
2. Prophet 2____ 24____ 46____ 68____ 90____ = ____
3. Evangelist 3____ 25____ 47____ 69____ 91____ = ____
4. Pastor 4____ 26____ 48____ 70____ 92____ = ____
5. Teacher 5____ 27____ 49____ 71____ 93____ = ____
6. Music 6____ 28____ 50____ 72____ 94____ = ____
7. Exhortation 7____ 29____ 51____ 73____ 95____ = ____
8. Wisdom 8____ 30____ 52____ 74____ 96____ = ____
9. Knowledge 9____ 31____ 53____ 75____ 97____ = ____
10. Serving 10____ 32____ 54____ 76____ 98____ = ____
11. Helps 11____ 33____ 55____ 77____ 99____ = ____
12. Leadership 12____ 34____ 56____ 78____ 100____ = ____
13. Administration 13____ 35____ 57____ 79____ 101____ = ____
14. Giving 14____ 36____ 58____ 80____ 102____ = ____
15. Mercy 15____ 37____ 59____ 81____ 103____ = ____
16. Discernment 16____ 38____ 60____ 82____ 104____ = ____
17. Faith 17____ 39____ 61____ 83____ 105____ = ____
18. Hospitality 18____ 40____ 62____ 84____ 106____ = ____
19. Craftsmanship 19____ 41____ 63____ 85____ 107____ = ____
20. Intercession 20____ 42____ 64____ 86____ 108____ = ____
21. Healing 21____ 43____ 65____ 87____ 109____ = ____
22. Missionary 22____ 44____ 66____ 88____ 110____ = ____
Use the List of Gifts for further study.

(but not necessarily free of COST)
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God's Blessings to each of you,


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