Friday, March 23, 2007


“ I do convert. I convert you to be a better Hindu, a better Catholic, a better Muslim or Jain or Buddhist. I would like to help you find God. When you find Him, it is up to you to do what you want with Him.”

What crosses your mind as your read this? Surely this is not a man or woman who has a strong relationship with God in any religion. I, as a Bible believing Christian, want you to believe the Bible first and foremost. If I was Hindu and stood strong in my faith, I would want you to believe as I did. Whatever my belief, if I felt strong and committed in it then I would want to share that belief with you. I would certainly not say to you I want you to be stronger in your faith, if it was not as mine.

It is not up to each one as an individual to “do what you want with Him” once you find Him. There is only one way and that is God’s way and any other way is a sin. That is what the Bible tells us.

Reread the quote again, please. Sounds kind of like a new age belief. You believe your way and I will believe mine. “I do convert” that word convert means: to turn around; change into another form; [and my favorite] to exchange to something of equal value. To exchange for something of equal value! Now, does that mean if I give you five dollars in quarters, you will give me a 10-dollar bill. No of course not. It means simply what it says something of the same value.

I don’t know about you but if you want me to give up something that is valuable to me, I want something in return that is more valuable then what I already had. I do not want to convert anyone to the same level as what they had. I want God to change you into whom He desires for you to be. He can and does have bigger plans than you or I can think of. I did not give up my life of clubs, alcohol, and free sex for something of equal value. I gave it up for something greater. A relationship with my Savior Jesus Christ!

I am not coming down on the person this is quoted from, I am coming down on people who lift people up and think they are so good and righteous and that person says something like this. Do not for a minute misunderstand me. This person is one of the best-known people in the world today, and they in fact are dead. This person has done more for the people in the area they were in then anyone else ever has. They have stepped onto a path that very few would think to go, but in doing so has drawn many to walk in their shoes. If not for that remark you would think this is surely a Godly person.

But how could a person who proclaims to love the Lord make a remark like that. It is in blindness. And it is in that blindness that we can see the person did not know the truth. And so it is with many others, who walk up right and with goodly works, and never step into a life of sin. If you do not confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior and proclaim Him as the only way, denouncing all others then you are wrong. You cannot say, “I convert you to be a better” whatever you are.

I know we have been writing strongly on this lately, because it is the main point I want to get across to you. Be careful, read and study the Word of God. Take the Bible and study, ask God to open your eyes and He will. We are listening to people and not knowing their true hearts. And what about the people behind the pulpit who support someone like this. If I support a ministry that supports someone who speaks as this, I am in fact supporting a ministry that supports falsehoods.

Now that is all said I thought for a minute of not telling you whom I quoted. Have any names crossed your mind?

It is a woman who died only a number of years ago. She has been brought up for sainthood in her religion. We all know her, Mother Teresa. Now what are you thinking?

Who have you been looking up to, and admiring. Whom do you quote?

God Bless


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