Sunday, March 18, 2007


If you walk through mud you will get mud on yourself. No matter how much you clean your shoes, until you take them off and wash them, you will still have mud. Even sometime after washing them you will find a bit of mud stuck in the groves on the bottom of your shoe. You have to get it all off.

It is the same with people. You can witness to a drunk or a drug addict, without living in their lifestyle. If you stay in mess you will get in mess. It will affect you even without you realizing it. Make sure you are the one that has the influence and not them. It is sad but some Christian’s use helping others to stay were they are instead of getting out. They do not want to break free and go somewhere else.

Abram had to change his environment. What we are around affects us more then we think it does.

I have had two wonderful friends in my life that are no longer in my life. One has passed away and thought she knew I loved the Lord she still wanted me to do things in the world with her. I had to break off the friendship. In the past year a dear lady that I have known and loved for many years started down a path way that I had struggled to get off of if my past. I am free from that part of my life and now she is living it. She watched me and though she knows I am no longer doing those things, she does not want to hear anything I have to say. I will not stay in her company. From time to time I will call, and each time within minutes I know she is still happy where she is. Hopefully one day I will call and she will be out or want out. I miss her but I will not let her pull me into what I got free from.

Was I suppose to do like they did, or are doing, and let it destroy me? No I choose to get away from them. Do I worry about hurting their feelings? No I have to think of my own spiritual well being.

A lot of people are energy suckers. They are not adding one thing to your life, they are in fact just draining you of everything: joy, energy, time, and even money. They are not doing anything for themselves or for you. No matter what you do for them, they are pulling you down.

If you don’t know who you are in Christ, you will let all that stuff manipulate you and control you.

Abram had to change his environment. Genesis 15:4 God had to call Abram outside the tent. You need to come outside your tent. Now that you are outside, look up into heaven. God sometime has to move you from one place to another to speak to you. You can see things differently somewhere else.

This is why we need retreats, and time alone; we need to get into a different environment.

Not one of us has it all right. Your surroundings affect you. How you set the stage for everything else—awakens your senses. Sometime you just have to get away from where you are. Why? You need to get a different viewpoint.

When you change your path you see a different point of view. The opposite side of the road is different. We should not be so prideful that we think there is nothing out there we can learn, or nothing we have never seen.


Yes, homework! I have asked you before to think on things or to look up something for yourselves. Today I have an assignment for you. I want you to do something the opposite way today or tomorrow. It could be the walk you take everyday. The drive you take to work or from work. It can be the way you wash the dishes.

We are all creatures of habit. Now what I am asking you to do is actually easy. However you normally do something do it the opposite. I found that a walk is the sum simple and eye opening of things. If you walk out of your yard and on the left side of the road then this time turn right and walk that walk on the opposite side of the road going the opposite way. You will truly be amazed at what you see that wasn’t there to your eyes before. Take a different road to work. Hey I didn’t know that was there?

As for the dishes, well you will be crossing your hands and laughing but it is certainly an eye opener to the way we do things. Doing things out of habit. And that is it people. Making changes in our lifestyle habits changes us and opens us up to new and exciting things.


God Bless


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