Wednesday, March 14, 2007


You might think this is not for you because you don’t even have children. Well I have news for you; you will still leave a legacy behind you. We might not all have natural children, but we do have spiritual children.

We have a natural bloodline and a spiritual bloodline. Natural bloodline is of course our families, aunts, uncles, cousins and so on. Spiritual bloodline is the people around us that watch us, the people we affect, people we work with, our neighbors, people we deal with in the market place. Even that person you only meet one time and no more. You can affect these people.

We affect people everyday and we should be affecting them in a positive way. Unfortunately we do not affect all people in a positive way. Sometime we affect people in a negative way.

These same people can affect you. Let’s say you have gone to the store, you got up this morning, you thanked God for a beautiful day, you prayed and you have your joy on. Walking up behind you is someone cussing, what is your reaction? That person has affected you, just that easily.

Even as Christians we can hurt someone’s faith better then help it. The point I want you to get is that every decision you make, affects a lot of people. Every decision you make. We have this attitude that it’s my life and I will do what I want to do. It is nobody’s business what you do. If I want to do it I will do it. That is back to the Western culture thing of selfish menially.

My favorite saying has always been I have a right to do what I want as long as it doesn’t affect anyone else. That kind of narrows the field of what you can and cannot do.

If you go back to the OT and read all the lists of genealogy, why do you think it is there? Because they passed a lot on from generation to generation. I don’t have a future if I don’t leave a blessing in people’s life to carry on what I started. We can also see that fathers did not hand their children things, they spoke over them what they would be and do and where they would go. A good example is the blessings that fathers would give to their children from their deathbed.

My actions, which if they do not line up with the word of God are sins. Let’s call them what they are. These sins will affect my children for 3 to 4 generations. That means your children, grandchildren, great grand children, and your great great grandchildren. You won’t even be around and your sins will be affecting people that probably at the most might see a faded picture of you.

People in our families we didn’t even know have hijacked many of us. A lot of things happen to us that we didn’t even choose. What can we do, how do we get out of the messes that other people have left in our life’s. When you get old enough to make your own decisions there should be nothing in hell that could hold you to that bloodline curse.

We have to step out of the helpless ward. “I will visit the sins on the 3rd and 4th generations who hate me and don’t serve me.” But if God can find someone who loves Him-who will press in and make a right choice-someone who even finds it hard to come out of the generational mess that you’ve been in. “I’ll give your family bloodline mercy to one thousand generations, of those who love me and keep my commandments.”

There is a way out and we have to step up and take it. Like breeds like. Some of us have a negative history. It doesn’t mean you can‘t have a good future. If things are in a mess, it is because someone makes some bad choices. It might have been you, but it may have been somebody who had authority over you that made bad choices.

The question is are you ready to make a choice? A choice to get out of what you are in, and into what God wants you to be?

God bless


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