Monday, March 12, 2007


Generational curses, are they real? Are they active in our life’s and times now today?

Do you look at your life, and see things that you have seen and still see in your family? Do you look at the stories we see in the news, John F. Kennedy, his family; right now Anna Nicole Smith and her son Danielle? Why, you ask? What is going on? Why is history repeating itself in these people’s life’s, and in my own? Well there is an answer.

Months ago I looked at something happening in my son’s life that reflected my life and my birth mothers. I sat here and said we are repeating each others life’s. What was so surprising to me is my birth mother did not raise me, though she did raise my son until age 14. Why was this happening to him, to us? I knew very little of my mothers history, but I knew the mistakes I had made. As for all answers I need in my life I went to God and His word the Bible. With the Bible and a few well-known Christian leaders I sought for answers, and I found them.

I hope that if you are trying to understand what is happening in your life, that you will take the time to read this. I know it might seem long, but I know that nothing good comes easy. I have done the research and I found answers of how to break the cycle of bad that can be in our life’s.

Deuteronomy 30:19
“I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live;

What a scripture, so full of promises. Life and death, blessings and cursing; which do you choose? It isn’t just for you it is promised for your descendants, also.
Life today is a battle for your future. How do you think beyond the end of today, or maybe past the end of an hour?

We are not just to live for today, tomorrow always comes. Yes, I have heard of the saying tomorrow is not promised to you. There is no scripture. In fact the word tomorrow is not listed in the KJV and today is only listed three times: 2Sa 6:20; 2 Sa 14:22; 2 Sa 16:3.

Tomorrow always comes. No you are not going to be here forever, but you, as all before you, will leave something behind. Your legacy will be left behind, just as a legacy was left to you. What kind of legacy was passed to you?

If you are like most of the world, you have been left some good and some bad. Maybe your legacy was more bad then good. What are you leaving for a legacy? Is your legacy a blessing or a curse? It is all up to each one of us, as to the legacy we leave behind, not what legacy we were left with.

Look at your own legacy and see what you find. Think about it and make notes if it will help. Tomorrow we will look further into this. For now….

God Bless


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