Friday, March 09, 2007


I read with interest an article in our paper today. A lady wrote that abortion was wrong to her but we have a right to make up our own mind. I had to read that twice. She continues to say that she had adopted children and been a foster mother, but it was okay for others to have an abortion. There have been some things that God wanted me to do that I didn’t want to do, but never once did I tell Him it’s okay for her but not me.

God’s word does not change. It is not okay to commit adultery because your wife doesn’t want sex. It is not okay to steal because you don’t have a car. Where do we draw the line? If something is wrong then it is wrong.

As Christians we have guidelines that we are to follow. God set them in place because this is the standard He wants us to live by. Do I agree with rape, no of course not. And this is one that people will use as an excuse to get an abortion. Why can you make someone have a child conceived in rape? Well every time I hear that one I think of James Robinson, a very well known evangelist that has helped take the Word of God around the World. His mother started to get an abortion after being raped. What a loss to mankind. Look at what God has taken and turned to good. This man heads up an organization that helps children who are without food, water and in some cases families. How many life’s he has touched.

No I do not care what the situation is abortion is killing an unborn child. Plain and simple. I have saw a baby only weeks in the womb, and it is one of the most precious sights. To see that little baby moving around how can you say this is not real? Did God not tell us He knew us before we were in the womb?

I feel sorry for this lady who has reached out to those less fortunate then herself, and still does not understand what true love is. She asked who else had done anything for others in the same breath she said it is okay to take a life. If someone hurt one of her children right now she would be up in arms over it.

There will always, until God comes again, be people who think they can twist and compromise God’s word. You can do it all you like, but in the end He is right and you are wrong.

God Bless


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