Friday, March 16, 2007


Forgiveness is a big key here. Looking at back at what I do know about my Mother it is easy to see that something was very wrong in her life. She did not just wake up one morning and decide to become the person she was. Many things that I will never know affected the person she was.

It is easy to forgive someone when you start to look at it that way. Sometimes it takes the pure grace of God to forgive someone, and God will give that to you if you ask for it.
No body said this would be easy. Letting go is very hard when we are in fact feeding on the very thing that is hurting us.

Okay I can hear you right now saying I don’t know what you have gone through. No I might not. Would you like a list of what I have gone through? The Lord will not put more on you then you can bear. You might, but He won’t. Also I have done nothing in my life that God has not forgiven me for. And no one has done anything to me that God will not forgive him or her for. Yes He will forgive them just as easily as He will forgive you.

I have made many people mad when I have told them that God will forgive anyone that asks. Yes he will forgive the person who rapes, the parent that murders her children, that man who shot all those people, yes he would have forgiven Hitler and Bin Laden, if they had asked. And if you haven’t forgiven them, well He will forgive you, for not forgiving them if you ask to be forgiven. .

Now back to generational curses. Each day we speak to people, our children, our spouses and others. You are in fact speaking blessings or curses on these people. The words you speak come to life. Just as your parents parent’s parents did to their children. And it is passed down from generation to generation.

Let’s go back to our scripture: Deuteronomy 30:19 AMP, "I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and earth, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live."

I know the devil is bad. But I don’t believe he is bad enough to take someone else’s sins and put them on me for the rest of my life. And God is not going to leave me in a place where there is nothing I can do about it but suffer. I am choosing to break the strongholds of the past.

Breaking strongholds requires making decisions. You never arrive at a particular destination by accident. You have to leave one place to get to another. Accidents just do not happen. You can be free to do anything, a ministry, spirit filled children, nice clothes, nice car, and none of those things are by accident.

Wishing won’t get you anywhere. What someone got is his or hers and wishing it were yours, would not get it for you. What price did they pay? Are you willing to pay the same price? I have a couple of dear friends that have beautiful homes and nice cars. They have money in the bank, nice clothes. Both are a result of their husbands dying. Their husbands provided very well for their wife’s in the event of their deaths. Both would give it all up in a minute to have their husbands back.

Wishing will get you nothing. The first decision you have to make is I refuse to live this way anymore. I will not let my past control my future.

Everyday you have to make decisions to cast your cares on God. We can sit around in little groups and dissect everything mentally, tear it apart and try to figure it out, to understand why and get no where.

I choose to make a decision everyday. I am not going to spend my day trying to figure out why; I am going to trust in God. We have to make decisions if we are going to live life right and to the fullest.

Ask your self this question: Is what I am doing in my life producing what I want out of life. Now you can sit there and say I don’t like my life, my mother, my daddy, my whatever! Ask yourself if there is something you are doing that is creating the life you are living that you don’t like.

Human nature left alone and not controlled by the Holy Spirit is not ever going to make you happy. If you are going to be happy, you have to be happy on purpose.

I love what Gloria Copeland says all the time. “Get over it, and get on.” How true. We have to change the things in our life that make us who we are.

Everything comes with a price. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor. It doesn’t matter who you know. You can only be happy if you choose to be happy. And if you don’t decide to be happy, well unhappiness will chase you down and give you something to be unhappy about everyday.

Think about this do you choose to be happy?

God Bless


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