Thursday, March 15, 2007


All the bad choices of your authority figures affect you, and everyone around you. People make bad choices and they affect other people. Where we make our mistake is we make the rest of our life bitter at somebody about something, rather then realizing when we come to the age of making our own choices. Every good choice we make starts to overturn the bad choices someone else made.

We can honestly say whosoever can have whatsoever God says in His Word, you don’t have to be a special case raised a certain way. Whosoever can have whatsoever, if whosoever will do whatsoever God says.

You may have had a negative history, but you don’t have to continue in it. It is up to you if you pass it on to your generation, or if you put a stop to it right now.

Okay you have had some bad junk passed to you; someone has to pay for it. What your Spirit orders, your soul has to pay for. You don’t have to be bitter, angry, have a bad attitude, not trusting anyone.

Think about your own life. Marriages failing, children out of wed-lock, parents on welfare, bills paid late, moving a lot, running from problems, you have to realize a lot of the habits you have learnt from the culture you grew up in are not right. And I am sure you can think of many I have not listed. Gambling, drinking, arguing, fighting, throwing things, it can all be traced back to bloodlines.

You are going to have to pay a price to break those patterns, so you can be what God wants you to be; do what God wants you to do and have what God wants you to have.

We don’t have a problem wanting to have something; it is just to be willing to follow through. Are you really beating the sins of the past or are you reinventing them.

Your father was an alcoholic and you are proud you don’t drink, but you are still moody, isolated and depressed. You have all the traits of an alcoholic even though you don’t drink. You don’t beat your children like your mother, but you shout and create an atmosphere of intimation and fear. You convince yourself you don’t have a problem because you aren’t beating anyone up. The reality of it is you aren’t much different then what you think you left behind.

You might think that you have left the problem behind you when in fact the roots are still there. And without dealing with the roots the problem is still there.

If you chop down a tree and don’t dig up all the roots, you have a problem. It is going to take some effort to get the roots out. It is going to take hard work and it is going to take choices. Digging up roots is painful, just chopping the tree part is easy. Taking responsibility of your actions. Not blaming it on someone else, the way they were raised, I don’t have a Christian husband/wife, not enough money, where you live.

No if you act badly it is because there is something inside you that needs to be dealt with. It is not about what is going around you; it is what’s going on inside you.

God says it doesn’t matter what changes in your circumstances because the source of your unhappiness is not something around you, it’s something in you.

God doesn’t put people in your life to serve you and make you happy. When you start living to make someone else happy, something will happen on the inside of you. Joy will bubble up.

Yes we do have generational curses that have come down on us. But you have a generational choice. You have a generational choice. Stop talking bout generational curses and bloodline curse and let’s talk about generational choice.

We do have generational curses that have come down on us, the Bible says it. But you have a generational choice. You can live in it or choose to get out of it. The choice is yours, as it was the people in your past bloodline. Do you continue forward on the path you are on? Do you make the choice to stop it here and now and do forward in Who God wants you to be, Were God wants you to be, and doing What God wants you to do.

I can make a choice in my generation. I can change something for my children and grandchildren and great grand children and I intend to do it. We are responsible for what we know. And if knowing how to set myself free from something somebody did, much less the things I did myself, then I most certainly am going to put a stop to it.

Forgiveness is a big key here, and that we will follow up on tomorrow.

God Bless


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