Monday, April 02, 2007


Good Morning, I always say God has a sense of humor because He shows Himself to me that way at times. This morning that is what He did. My income is from sewing and the last few days I have been abundantly busy. Thank You Jesus. This morning I am at work when I hear two words of the radio, I immediately stop and write them down. Very interesting I tell myself I will have to look into this. Then Another pastor comes on and he is talking about God does supply all your needs. To this I am saying yes Lord You do and I an thankful. Well I am trying to sew but that scripture and the two words stay on my mind. It would not leave me alone. Well I stopped what I was doing and here I am at the computer writing what the Lord has laid on my heart this morning. I hope it gets you to sit up and think.

Faith or Fate

faith-confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing

fate-that which is inevitably destined to occur, outcome, unfavorable destiny: doom

Philippines 4:19 And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. NKJV
AMP And my God will liberally supply [fill to the full] your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Now what are you living in? Fate or Faith! Are you accepting the inevitable and living in fate. Are or you believing in the trustworthiness of your Savior Jesus who said I shall supply all your needs. And it doesn't just apply to this scripture, it applies to each and every Word of God that He has spoken out of His mouth as a promise to us His children. The next time you think about your life and don't like the picture you see ask yourself am I living in fate or living in faith.

Have a blessed day.
I am yours in Christ rECj

P. S. I welcome your remarks and comments!


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