Thursday, May 24, 2007


Do you ever feel that way? Okay you might need to think about that for a minute. But why not use that energy for something useful. A short while ago I received an e-mail form my sister, she was too upset to tell me what was wrong. I called and she told me not one, not two, but 4 family members are in crisis. Now that made me mad, it got me angry. How dare the devil attack my family like that. He does know who he is messing with. We are a family of believers that goes way back.

I was praying in the Spirit while she was speaking. Take your hands off my family. Get thee behind me devil. I refuse to sit quietly by and just let you take a turn at my family. I pray for God’s will to happen in each one of their life’s.

Wait a minute I didn’t say they be healed, I said God’s will. Now hold on what do I mean by that? Don’t I want them healed? Sure I want everyone to be healed, but more importantly I want the will of God to be manifested in their life’s.

And that my dear friend is the big difference of praying what you want and what God wants. We are suppose to pray Thy will be done. And that is not easy for some people. God’s will is always right, but it is not always what you want.

Now when I first started praying I saw one member of the family being healed, saw exactly what was happening inside her body. But not everyone. Why, well I wonder about that sometime, and then I remember it is His will not mine.

Letting go and letting God can be easy or it can be hard. It is a place that we all need to reach in our life’s. A place were we can say Lord I love You so much, I love You enough that I want what You want, not what I want.

I know because I used to not exactly like the will of God. Okay I really didn’t agree with Him a lot of times. But in growing more mature in the Lord and having a one on one relationship with Him, I now want what He wants. Was it easy to get this way. Well I certainly didn’t make it easy for myself. But when I got to a certain place and I said Lord what do You desire for me. Things began to change. And change in a good way. Oh I still don’t get answers I want all the time, but I get the answers that are in agreement with God’s will. And I am okay with the answers I get.

We have all heard that expression God answers all prayers, sometimes He just answers no. Well that is an easy way to simplify it.

What a blessing it is that God has granted us the ability and power to pray for others. It not only blesses them but us as well. People wonder sometimes why it doesn’t always work, this praying for others. Is it because they just don't have the faith to receive the healing or whatever it is we are praying for them?

There are a lot of people who don't believe or just won't pray for others. They have no idea what they are missing.

I have a few questions for you to think on, we will answer them in the next few days. How do you pray correctly? How do you know your prayers are heard? How do you look for answers to what you pray? Does God answer all prayers?

Think about those questions, and if you have a question about prayer, as always just ask and we will answer, according to the Word of God.

God Bless


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