Monday, May 21, 2007


2 Corinthians 6:14,15
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

Just what does that scripture mean to you? Farmers will tell you that to put two four footed animals together to pull a plow will not work right unless they are the same kind of animal. You cannot just take any two cows, either. It has to be the same kind of cows. They have to be able to pull together or you will have a big problem plowing your field.

And it is the same in life. Friendships will not work if one wants to go to the art galleries all the time, and the other to the zoo. You have to have some things in common.

It mentions here what concord [harmony, agreement] does Christ have with Belial? Who is Belial first? Belial is a Jewish apocrypha, and also a term used to characterize wicked or worthless. It is most commonly translated from Hebrew to mean worthless, yoke less, may have no rising, or never to rise. Belial is also the demon of lust.

Yeah okay, but can you see Jesus and him reclining at the table over a cool glass of tea and cookies. I don’t think so. Now if Jesus met him on the street He would do as He did with the demon-possessed men that He met in Gergesenes. Or if he came to where Jesus was, Jesus would include him in the conversation and share the word with him. But if old Belial wanted to go out and show off his spirit of lust, Jesus would not go with him.

This is what we mean by unyoked. We are not to hang around with people that do not believe as we do.

After giving your life to Christ was there someone from your past that you really didn’t want to be around anymore. All they want to do is the same old thing you used to do. You want to go to the church social and they want to go to the club. That is unyoked. Maybe even now there is someone in your life that you have grown away from. Break the yoke and set yourself free. You cannot walk in the rain without getting rain on you. You can cover all you want but the water will somehow get on you. You can just as easily pick up the spirits of the world that these people carry on themselves.

This is also true of people who marry. All the love in the world is not going to overcome differences especially in your walk with Christ. It will bring confusion into the relationship from the beginning. What of the children? How do you raise them? This is why all couples should have spiritual counseling before marriage. What God has put together man cannot break apart.

God Bless


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