Friday, May 18, 2007


In the world there is good and bad. The problem is the bad seems at times to outweigh the good. But the good is truth. And truth always ends in the end.

Right now with so much going on in the world around us, it is very hard to believe the little goodness that we see or hear about. We called people blessed when good things happen to them. A lot of the time it is being blessed that is the cause of good, but not always. We all know someone who has lived wrong all their life and it seems that all they touch turns to gold. Yes life here on earth seems pretty good for them, but in the final day what will happen? Will all they have been “blessed” with get them to heaven? I think not. The person, we also all know one of them, that gives, they help, they are there for everyone in any way they can. They might be poor or semi-okay but they are there for others. But in the end what will be the final story for them?

In the Bible some had it good, and others not so good. But those that had that relationship with Christ have the greatest reward in the end. Oh I might not look rich to you. But I am learning and growing and trying my best to be all God would have me be. As for the material things, yeah I would like some of them, but not at the lost of my relationship with Christ. In His time He will bless me.

Sometimes I look around me, but never does it cross my mind to want what others have. I do not want to pay the price they have paid, or even more so the price they will pay.

I want only what God wants for me. Yes He does want me to prosper and be in good health. And I do prosper, and I am in good health. I am where God wants me to be at this time in my life. Tomorrow it might be somewhere else but until He tells me to go I shall remain where I am doing what I do.

It is easy to rest in the Lord and to find our joy in Him. By looking to Him first and seeking Him always in all things, I have that. My life is complete in Him, without Him I am nothing.

At one time in my life I pulled away from the Lord and this is the biggest thing I learned: It is better to never know the Lord then to know Him and turn from Him. Thankfully He is a just and righteous God and forgives us. He welcomed me home with loving arms. And He will do the same for you today or any day that you choose to step back to Him.

God Bless


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