Sunday, May 13, 2007


What a blessed day in the Lord. How can we think of this day without mentioning some of the awesome woman who have helped us get here.

Eve the first woman. Mitochondrial DNA now shows that every man, woman, and child that has lived, is living and will live, is related to and descended from one human that we call Eve. We do actually belong to one global family of humankind. Eve was also the first woman to walk and talk with the Lord. That had to be wonderful. I can imagine her shame when she disobeyed our Father, so ashamed that she lied to Him.

Sarah, with her good intentions gave her handmaid to her husband. What this resulted in is still seen today. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all can be traced back to her. The Christian Messiah was a Jew and came from the Hebrew faith. Hagar, her Arabic servant became a surrogate mother, gave birth to Ishmael, which is where we get followers of Islam. Imagine wanting a child so bad, that you would let another woman give birth for you.

Elisabeth the mother of John the Baptist. Her husband is left speechless after an encounter with an angel. But it is Elisabeth that in her old age gives birth to the voice of one crying in the wilderness.

Salome, mother of the disciples James and John. She boldly asked Jesus to grant that her sons sit on the right and left hand in the kingdom of God. Though Jesus rebuked her gently, she remained one of the faithful followers of Jesus to the end.

Eunice and Lois are the mother and grandmother of Timothy. We can read of Timothy and know that the influence of these two women had a great affect on the life of this young man. Oh to rise up a child in the way they should go, and then to see the fruits of it.

Hannah left her only child in the House of the Lord at Shiloh. She asked the Lord for his birth, only to say, if You do this I will give him back to You.

Rachel is the first woman recorded in the Bible to lose her life giving birth. The second on record is an un-named woman mentioned in 1 Samuel 14: 19-22. She symbolizes a woman who gives birth after hearing of the death of her husband. She also symbolizes a mother who succumbs to a dark, despairing hopelessness in naming her son Ichabod, “the glory has departed from Israel.”

Jochebed was the mother of Aaron, Moses, and Miriam. She was a wise woman, who stepped out in faith and placed her son in a basket in the water where Pharaoh’s daughter came. Then she herself nursed the child and cared for him until he was 7.

Mary, the woman chosen by God to carry and give birth to Jesus, she had to have been a godly young woman to be hand picked by the Lord. She was blessed to give birth to Jesus and then blessed with at least seven to eight other children. Mary’s womb was certainly blessed.

And there are many other woman in the Bible and in our life’s. Not all of us have been so blessed as to have Godly women raise us. Some of us had been blessed with Granny’s that lived and breathed Jesus. Or with adoptive mothers. Giving birth to a child does not a mother make. And there are done of us who are perfect. We have all made our share of mistakes in raising our children.

So today for all the bumbled mistakes we made. For all the lessons we learned. For all the “if I had known then what I know now” that we each have in our life’s. We are together called Mother’s. For those of us who did it alone, or with our husbands we are still mothers. Thank you and God bless you. God bless you going out and coming in. God bless you as you continue to learn and grow and be the entire mother that God intended for you to be.

God Bless


Today I have a special request to ask of you. At times all of us had mentioned that others be lifted in prayer and today I put a wonderful woman of the Lord before you. Her name is Annett. She loves the Lord and is waiting for her healing. I will not say what because I want you to pray as the Lord leads to you pray. I will keep you posted to any changes in her condition, but there is another reason. Annett does not speak of it, because she believes that she is healed and I stand with her in this.

I will tell you this about her. She has a voice that sounds like an angel when she sings. I have never once seen a frown or sadness upon her face. She loves the Lord mightily, and is bubbling over with joy whenever you see her.

What I am asking is for you to pray for her and ask your friends and their friends to pray for her around the world I want people to stand with her, that her healing is there for all to see the power of our Savior Jesus Christ.

I also am asking that you send me an e-mail and let me know that you have prayed or are praying for Annett. I want to let her know just how many people are standing with her. Where two or more are gathered in His Name we shall see the mighty works of God.

My e-mail address is If we can do this just think whom else we can do this for. Let me know where you are e-mailing from.

Thank you and God bless rECj


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