Friday, May 04, 2007


Today I want us to look at the impala. What can this possibility have to do with religion, other than the fact that God created this animal? Oh but therein lies the surprise. Let us look at this animal.

The impala is reddish-brown with a narrow black line along the middle of the lower back to the tail. They live in grassland and woodland areas, usually very close to the water, as we should stay close to our living water, Jesus Christ.

They have a social organization that allows it to adapt to prevailing environmental conditions. When food is in abundance the males become territorial. In dry periods territories are abandoned and they travel farther to find food. When in a dry spell, we need to seek the Lord more.
Here is what I find most interesting. They can jump distances more than 9 meters (30 feet) and 2.5 meters (8 feet) high. But if enclosed in an area a 3 foot high fence can contain them. If the impala can not see where it will land, it will not jump.

Are you like the impala? As long as you know where you are going are you ready to jump up and go? But if you do not know where you will end up do you stand around and do nothing? Well, this is what a lot of Christians do. As long as we are safe, we will not move. But let the Lord tell us to jump into something that we do not know and we stand still, being afraid of the unknown.

Are we like the impala? If you are then you are missing out on some of the most rewarding times of your life. Go ahead and jump out in faith. You are capable of the jump; God has a safe place for you to land, even if you don’t know where it is you will land.

Today I desire to be a jumper for Christ.

God Bless


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