Thursday, May 03, 2007


We have had basic religion 101, and we have traced the Bible. We have looked at religions that as we stated just cannot be proven. They are based on what men said, but with nothing to prove what they say is correct.

It is possible to prove one religion is true and another false. You don’t compare what is similar but what is different.

We do not have blind faith; we want to put our trust in something that can prove itself worthy. All those other religions stand or fall on something that no one can prove or disprove.

Christianity is not based on what Jesus said or an angel or anyone else told Him. In fact Christianity isn’t even based on what He Himself revealed. It is based on who He said He was-the prophesied Jewish Messiah. And what He did to prove it-specifically rising from the dead. Jesus staked everything on His resurrection. If He wasn’t and He didn’t, then He wasn’t who He said He was.

The belief in His resurrection is the core of Christian teachings.

Jesus followers told people what they knew not what somebody told them. All the Jewish and Roman authorities had to do to crush Christianity was produce the body. But they couldn’t, so the only way to stop Christianity was to persecute and finally kill its leaders.

Was the body just removed? Honestly would you die for a lie? We are talking about the people that were there. They would have known it was true.

It is nothing to show you where it says in the Bible Jesus said He was the Messiah. Even to say his followers said so.

But what of the people who hated and rejected Him as the Messiah, based on the Old Testament.

The discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls show that in over 2 thousand years those who did copy the scriptures where so meticulous that there was not one significant change made. Would the Jews change or add material to the Bible to aid the Christians in their belief of Jesus as the Messiah.

The OT was complete 400 years before Christ was born. So anything we find in the OT is prophecy.

Prophecy is inherently historical. It stands or falls on whether it does or does not accurately predict future historical events.

And this is true in all things. What is in the OT is what the NT bought to life. And it is here that we can discount many so called “Christian’ traditions that have been passed down for years. Beliefs that have tricked people, good, faithful people to believe lies.

Grant you there are different issues that are in the churches now just as there was in the time of Paul. The holiness standard of dress, baptism under water in what Name, as Paul said minor things, which can be talked about all day. I am not saying some of these things are unimportant. What I am saying is to eat meat or not, if you do fine and if you don’t that is fine also.

No, I am speaking of adding or taking away from the Bible. The very Bible you read, instead of taking it as the final word, you turn to other books that tell you it means such and such. But without your extra books you will not find them. That is what I speak of. And in believing these lies, you are weakening and /or destroying your relationship with Christ.

I have a question to put to you tonight. If the devil knew you believed a lie would he care? Of course not because he knows that the truth would in fact set you free. That is why again and again LJG and I tell you look to the Bible, pray, seek God and not man. If you go to someone who also believes the same lie you are, what will that get you. Nothing.

Before you read anymore of this ask yourself, do I want the truth, the whole truth. Because tomorrow you are going to hear it, probably like you have never heard it before. We do this out of love.

God Bless



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