Tuesday, May 15, 2007


There is much in this world that I do not understand, nor some I want to understand. I have to keep my eyes focused on Jesus. I have to remember that the devil is running back and forth trying to destroy all that he can, in any way that he can. He could be aiming the one next to you and cares not if you fall; you are just another number to him.

It is in the Lord that I look to for peace inside myself. It is to the Lord that I look for joy amidst all the turmoil that surrounds us.

I recently was blessed with a new job, and one co-worker takes everything I do wrong. I have tried to give her words of encouragement, to thank her, to explain what works for her is not wrong, but just not the right way for me. I have felt at times like I had a 6 year old showing me things. Then others would come up and say try it this way, and it worked.

I prayed and asked forgiveness. Thinking back to other jobs, there always seems to be one person who just gets your goat. Nothing you do is right with them. I handed her to God and said Lord you blessed me with this job, give me the words to say to her.

This past week at work I caught myself speaking words of kindness that I didn’t even intend to her. I knew then that God had control of the situation and He is so much better then I. But the words surprised me, because I wasn’t even planning on saying anything. You know the feeling, nothing is better than something she can take wrong. She was mumbling about well it worked for her, but maybe she wasn’t doing it right herself. I said P, I can never know as much as you on this job, as you have been here so much longer then me, and no matter how long I am here you will always have more experience then myself.

Yesterday I gave her a hug and wished her a Happy Mother’s Day. She responded and hugged back. I want to get along with her as I do everyone. Now she has been told to teach me her job, and that also I put into God’s hands.

When I first started I couldn’t help but notice her work area was cluttered and unclean, God had a hand in this I know, yesterday she cleaned the entire area. And I will be sure to show her respect as she teaches me her way, and then I will find what works best for me.

A small thing to some, but God cares about even the small things in my life. He cares about the small things in yours also. There is nothing in our life’s no turmoil big or small that He does not want to be the answer, the solution. We only have to ask.

God Bless


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