Sunday, May 13, 2007


Scientology is one of the best known groups to come on the scene in recent years, namely due to actors such as Tom Cruise. Asking people what they actually know about the “religion” usually leaves people with blank looks, as no one knows that much about them. Thanks to the Internet much information can be found.

Just by reading we can easily see Ron L Hubbard formed Scientology in 1950. No mention of God is made. No one is asked to accept anything as belief or on faith. What you believe to be true is what is true for you. In applying the principles and observing or experiencing the results of Scientology you discover for yourself that it does in fact work. BULL you do not believe in a higher power, it is a belief in a manmade work.

Some sites that we found to be very interesting are included. Please look at them and form your own opinion.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Please read these Frequently Asked Questions if you have any questions regarding this site or its author. Also included are some debates with Scientologist's.
What Is Scientology?
What Scientology Won't Tell You - an info pack
Scientology Illustrated
Answers for Scientology kids
Baloney Detection Kit
Some Copyright Considerations

I am also including this site, and I do encourage everyone to take a look. Do not watch this with children around, it is graphic. I will also add the music is eerie and you might have to turn the sound off or down. The Un-Funny Truth About Scientology
If you have only a minute or so and are new to the Scientology controversy then see this short high-impact page.

Take the time to look at these sites. I believe what you see is very important. People are looking for something that is missing in their life’s. The problem is they are settling for less then the best. They are settling for anything that holds their attention and gives them promises. Manmade religions will not do this.

The only truth is made in Christ Jesus.

Until tomorrow.

God Bless


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