Monday, May 14, 2007


We hope that this has been as interesting to you as it has been for us. In doing the research we have come across things that honestly we wished we wouldn’t have found, but in hindsight am glad to now know.

It is quite easy to look at another group and say that is so off the wall, how can any one believe that. But look at your own belief with that same outlook.

Do you want to know the truth? And once knowing the truth, do you settle for less than all that there is from our Almighty God. Are you comfortable in the zone you are in, even if you are in one of the religions that is on the list.

We desire to know all there is to know and to experience all there is to experience from God. If that means being uncomfortable for a season, then so be it, if it means growing in our relationship with Christ.

What exactly does God desire for us in a relationship with Him? To answer that we go back to the first book in the Bible. God walked and talked with Adam and Eve. They were so closely intoned to God that they knew what He was like. They were intimate with Him. I love the way Kenneth Copeland says that word intimate “IN-TO-ME” you can’t get any better then that. The very thing that God wants from us is to be intimate with us.

Let look us the definition of the word intimate.
An intimate relationship is a particularly close interpersonal relationship. It is a relationship in which the participants know or trust one another very well or are confidants of one another, or a relationship in which there is physical or emotional intimacy.

Some believe love is an important factor in physical and emotional intimate relationships. Though the term is notoriously difficult to define, any thoughtful inquiry into the subject will show it to be qualitatively, not only quantitatively, different than liking, and the difference is not merely in the presence or absence of sexual attraction. According to one analysis, love in relationships is divided into two types: passionate and companionate. Passionate love is intense longing, and is often accompanied by physiological arousal (shortness of breath, rapid heart rate). Companionate love is affection and a feeling of intimacy and is not necessarily accompanied by physiological arousal.

Terms for partners in intimate relationships include
Family member
Accountability partner

Well we are very pleased to say He is our friend, He is our confidante, He is our Groom [according to the Bible], He is family, and He is our accountability partner. We are not in some special group, this is for everyone. Everyone that is that has excepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and Him only. We are entitled to certain rights and promises that belong only to the true family of God.

If you are not a member of this family we invite you to ask the Lord into your life. Ask Him to come into your life and make you His own. Ask Him to open your eyes to the truth as only He says it, not to anything manmade. Ask Him to be all He wants to be to you. He will do it.

Then ask God to lead you to a full Bible church, let Him lead you. If someone wants you to go here or there and you don’t feel it is the right place for you do not go. This is your life we are talking about. This is one of the most important decisions you will ever make in your life. Do not compromise on the Word of God and don’t let anyone compromise your beliefs.

The sad part is so many people don't want or won't accept Christ as their Savior and personal companion. Why? They think they will no longer be accepted by their friends and the world. They want God and they want the world. As we, the people are the Church, which simply means we are "called out." Called out of what? The world. We have to live in the world but not a part of the world. We are different once we are saved, truly saved we are not always accepted by others. They no longer want to be around us, much less be seen with us. Once we accept and allow Christ to become our life we are then classified as "weird," "crazy," and "out of touch with reality." If they could only understand that we are the ones who really are in touch with the real "thing." Oh how happy they would be. Don't you think?

We both thank you for following with us and hope and pray that you have learned some valuable lessons from this study.

Until next time God bless and we love you all.



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