Thursday, August 23, 2007


Genesis 28:12
Then he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.

Let’s say we are going to paint a house. First we make sure we have everything together to paint with. This includes the paint, brushes, and drop clothes. Next we dress in the right clothes. We do not put on our formal dining clothes to paint. To be able to reach all the areas we need to paint we need a ladder. Okay we are ready. We start climbing the ladder and what happens it starts to shake on us. Okay we climb back down and try to brace the ladder. We check and double-check the clamps that are holding it in position.

Ready to go, again we climb and what happens it starts to shake again. Well we can go borrow the neighbors, but when we do the same thing happens. What is the problem? It is on unstable ground. The ground work has not been set in place to support the ladder without it shaking.

When the angels were going up and down they knew who was at the top holding the ladder. They had no doubts about it. We have Jesus to hold our ladder, but if we forget He is holding it, or go unprepared our ladder will shake.

It is wonderful to feel the call of God on our life's to do something. But there will be times when we will step out to do something that seems good, looks good, smells good, but God did not tell us to do it. Our ladder starts to shake. Well that is because God is trying to get you to get off the ladder.

Then there will be times that you know that you know it is from God and the ladder starts to shake. Then we have to put our eyes on Jesus and if it is really Him holding the ladder, He will let us finish what we start.

How then do we know the difference? By praying and fasting. We as children of the Living God are to seek Him on all matters. Let us use for example we know of someone in need. We are financially able to help, and desire to help them. So we head to their house with money in hand. Wait they have a need, you have the resources, what is the problem? You did not ask God. You do not know what God is doing in their life, it might be that God does not want them blessed by you, and then again He might not want them to get the money at all. He knows what is best for them. You don’t. The ladder is shaking. Everything concerning God has to be done in His time, in His way. Maybe just maybe He knows that if you give it to this person they are going to go to the casino and try to double their money. I happen to know a lady just like that.

I will caution you here if you do feel strongly to give to someone then give him or her what they need. If it is their rent paid, then by all means pay their rent; do not give them the money. If it is food, then take them some food, or take them shopping and keep your receipts. I have seen people take things back to the store for refunds. If you think it is from God then go pay the bill, but do not give someone money unless you know for a fact that God said to give cash. That sounds hard doesn’t it. Yes it does. But if you are not 100% sure it is from God then pay the bill, sorry no cash.

There will be times when we call it wrong, and we learn from those mistakes. It is better to be what you might think is late, then to be wrong. God is never late, He is always on time.

When you step onto the ladder remember who is holding it steady. He will not let go.

Psa 27:14
Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

God Bless,


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