Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the lord my soul to keep
God bless_____, ______,_______<
Help me Lord, to be a good Girl and obey my Mom and Dad
In Jesus Name Amen

As a child I would never say if I should die before I wake, it scared the heck out of me. I taught all my children the prayer above. Funny the things that remain from our child hood.

Something came to my mind tonight as I was thinking of family members. When I was young my sister and I would spend part of the summer at our aunt and uncle’s farm in the country. Each night there was Bible study and family prayer. As we prepared to go to bed, the last thing we did was get on our knees and pray before climbing into bed. My cousin each and every night would pray out loud and I could not bring myself to pray that way. After she questioned me one night about my lack of words, I told her I was praying inside. She told me for God to hear I had to pray out loud.

If I pray out loud then not only would God hear but also the devil I told her. I would not budge from my stand. I continued to pray inside as I called it. Speaking out loud to the Lord, well it just wasn’t private. To me those conversations were just between Him and I.

With years come knowledge, but I still find myself speaking to Him inside. And I DO BELIEVE THAT He hears me. We have had some of our deepest conversations without a sound being spoken. I am aware though that the words we do speak do come to life and we need to speak boldly and out loud with the Lord.

What I love the most about praying in the Spirit in my heavenly language is that no one can understand but Him. It is my private line straight to Him. When I pray in the Holy Ghost, what needs to be prayed is what is being prayed. There are no personal feeling interjected. Another great thing is if I am praying for you, well I don’t need to know what your problem is, just to pray in the Spirit about you.

God has given us many wonderful gifts. Who else can you call on 24/7 and He is there. He never says well I will be by later. Or I have so much going on right now, can we make an appointment for next Friday at 4 pm. No my God is always there for me.

He is always there and always on time answering us. I stopped “praying” many years ago. I now have conversations with my Father. He is so much a part of my life that I find myself having talks with Him at all times. At work they would think it quite odd of me if they could hear the “inside” conversations going on as I stand at my machine. But talk to Him I do, and will continue to. I love my “inside” talks with Him.

They play music at my job. And one day while taking “inside” with Him, a song came on the words were; “I don’t know much, but I know I love you, and that may be all I need to know.” I felt the Lord just move on me, and tears formed in my eyes. At that moment it was enough to know that I love Him, nothing else mattered, just the fact that I loved Him. Oh the wonderful little gifts that He gives us as we go through our day. Yesterday it was a beautiful monarch butterfly that right in front of me was dancing in the air, so close I could have reached out and touched it. That was for me.

Yes Jan I do pray out loud now, but I still enjoy my times in private with my “inside “ talks with Him.

God Bless,


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