Thursday, September 20, 2007


Psalms 16, Lord keep me safe, in You I find refuge. Placing all our trust in the Lord we have everything we need. We find joy and security for the present and do not fear for the future.

Psalm 17 is speaking of probing my heart, search me, test me. This is something we all need to do on a regular basis. Justice is my plea. Show me Your great love.

Psalm 18 is a song of victory that David sang when God saved him form Saul. He was in desperation and he owes his life, everything in his life to the Lord. How much more do we today?

Psalm 19 describes His glory in speech without words. From the sun to the law of God, pure and clean, all we need is in Him.

Psalm 20 tells of the oncoming battle and is asking for God’s blessing. An urgent prayer is send up and we stand in confident trust in the Lord.

Proverbs 4 the father is telling the son that he is passing on the teaching that he received from his gather. Keep my words and live. Wisdom is the principal thing, get it and keep it, love it. He tells his son a long life is to you if you listen and receive what I say. Do not enter the path of the wicked it will pull you down, destroy you. My words are life for you with all diligence keep them. Let your ways be established and do not turn to the right or the left.

LJG thoughts

Who is going to protect me? God. Who is going to deliver me? God. Who is going to destroy those who want to think highly of themselves? God. Who will I rejoice in and give thanks to? God. Who is my Rock? God. Am I afraid of the a sudden fear or the strivings of other men? No. Why can I have a sweet peaceful sleep nor have any fear? I have chosen to let Him guide my feet. Now I just love this, the fear of the Lord is clean. It is righteousness, it is to desired more than anything else. He will keep me standing no matter what is thrown my way. Why should I worry? Look at all He has promised to do for me.
Proverbs 4
Want to live? Then keep His commandments. I am to avoid wickedness, I am not to turn to the right or left, I am to look straight ahead. Why should I look straight ahead? Because God is there. He is right in front of me clearing the path for me. Oh how I rejoice in Him. I am going to have a crown. That is His promise to me. He has put a song in my heart and a smile upon my lips.

Scripture reading for tomorrow: Psalms 21 ~ 25 and Proverbs 5.

God Bless,

1 Cr 15:57
But thanks [be] to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.


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