Monday, September 03, 2007


I do not know who you are, but you are on this site right now for a reason. This is not the article that was to be put on this site today. There is a need in your life, that only God can give to you. Read this article and in the Name of Jesus know that someone has been praying for you since God laid you on my heart. He loves you very much. You will know as you read this that I am talking to you

A number of years ago I had to end a relationship with a girl friend, because she was happy in the world. We had been very close and I loved her dearly.

People I cannot stress this enough. If someone is listening then keep talking, when they stop listening it is time to let them go. I have a young man who has been in my life for years; I take him like my own child. He knows that there is a spot in my heart for him. I have stood by him in and out of jail, been there for him through all the destruction he has put himself through.

The other night he knocked on my door and what I saw struck me like a ton of bricks, I could not look him in the face. I told him I was busy and shut the door. My daughter saw the look on my face and asked Mama what is wrong. Only one time before has she heard me say this about anyone, I was looking at death walking. [That time it was a young man who days later would be involved in a shooting that would take the life’s of two people, and send another one to prison for life.]

I avoided him for over a week, and then today he knocked on my door. I shared with him how it hurt me, that he will always have that spot, but he doesn’t want it. I told him that I couldn’t even look him in the face, because of what I saw. He told me he did not want to stress me like that.

Letting go of someone is sometime the only thing you can do. He has become so comfortable that a few weeks ago for the first time in all the years I have known him, I walked up on him using drugs and he did not try to hide it from me. I have had this young man tell me that I need to go now, or that he did not want me to see what he was doing. I might have known what he was doing, but never once in all those years had I seen him use.

I have done all I can do, and it hurts, but the choice is his. While I love him, I can only do so much; the rest is up to him. There will be people that God will place in your life, and they do not want to make the choice to live for Christ. I urge you to pray and let God lead you, and if God says make a break from them, then do so.

As with the lady I mentioned above I cried. I want everyone to be saved and live for the Lord. LJG said it best in an e-mail she send me when I called her crying. Why Lord if You put him on my heart, why isn’t he changing? Lord, why are you opening my heart to someone who is not going to choose You. This what she send me: This is from the heart. It breaks my heart. I have never been told not to pray for somebody. God wants everyone to be saved but He won’t make them be. He willed the world into existence but with us He is there waiting on us to make the choice...Him or the world. He gave us His Son, the very Heart of His Heart, simply because of the love He has for us. Accept or reject...that is the choice. He knew us from the womb. He has given us one last chance. Oh why won't people just let go and let God? Love you

People we need to get serious about this. LJG is a prayer warrior, and she had been praying for this young man, because she knew he was in my heart. Then about a week ago the Lord told her to stop. Now I have had that happen to me once when I was praying for another young man. The Lord gave me peace about it, but the question was there, why not pray. We do not always understand the works of the Lord, but we do our best to obey.

There have been times in our life’s when we were praying and felt peace that something was resolved. But like this to stop praying, it is different. I made my peace with this young man, I have told him I love him, and I have told him the choice is up to him, I have done all I can do. Now it is up to him. I pray that is not were you are tonight. If it is then please make the choice to choose God, choose Jesus.

I feel in my heart that someone is reading this, and doesn’t believe that God can and will give you the answers you need. That even He cannot take your demons away. He can, all you have to do is ask Him. Then stand on His Word. Find one scripture, just one and say Lord you said “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” He said He will strengthen you; He will do that for you. He will provide the way out of whatever it is. He will deliver you. He cannot lie. Where ever you are, whatever the problem is, I ask you to get on your knees and ask Him, just call out His Name JESUS, he will be there for you. I really do not know who you are, but I can tell you this right now I am praying for you. I can feel it like you are right here with me. This is the greatest gift I know, to know that someone needs prayer this minute and to pray for him or her.

Oh what a glorious Lord we serve, that He can reach in and touch my heart at this moment and say pray for someone you don’t even know. This is the power of my Father. He loves you and cares for you. He is reaching out to you before you even came on this site. Now that is the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

Lord whoever this is right now in the Name of Jesus we claim victory over every area of this person’s life. We ask Lord that you touch them from the top of their head to the bottom of their feet. Lord I ask that You reach out and take their hand as You have mine many a time.

I want you to just start to thank God for what He is doing in your life, don’t go by what you see, go by what the Lord tells you in your heart. You are somebody important in the Body of Christ. He is going to guide you to some people that will support you as you grow and strengthen in the Lord. God bless you my child. rECj

Amen, LJG


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