Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Psalm 103:5 He satisfies my desires with good things.

With a sensible diet plan I lost weight and kept it off for 20 years, then I fell into some of the same bad habits that had caused my weight problem to begin with, and I gained everything back and more. In the last 5 months I have lost over 40 pounds and still am dropping the weight. I feel better, look better and have more energy. Over all I am healthier.

Bad habits are hard to break. Once broken, they can just as easily be picked up again. We have to be careful to stay away from things that we are attracted to, that we know are bad for us. We have to replace the bad with good.

What is good for us is not always easy to like. We have to retrain ourselves to like what benefits us.

I can remember sitting down and eating an entire extra large pizza, not counting the soda to go with it. Now it is all I can do to eat one slice. And the most exciting thing is I enjoy the one slice more then I did the entire pizza. My eating habits have changed.

The desire I had for food is now filled with over things. One of my favorite sayings that I have used before is one I will use now. God will not take something of value away from you without replacing it with something of more value. God knows and understand that we value certain things in life. When we in searching ourselves find that there is an area that needs cleaning up [that we value to highly, that is not good for us] we can and should take it to Him in prayer. As the scripture says he will satisfy my desires with good things.

He will take those desires away from us and give us good things to fill up the void that is left. How wonderful to have such a loving Father. He will not only take away the things that are not good for us, but He will in turn give us something valuable to replace that empty spot with.

We have to take the first step by admitting we have a problem. The second step is to take it to Him. Now if we give something to God, we need to leave it there. We find scriptures such as the one above and we stand on it. When that entire pizza calls my name I know that God has delivered me from that, and it is not a problem. But I cannot have a cake in the house. No if there is a cake I will want to eat the whole thing. I do not bake anymore. I buy two cookies or two donuts. We have to exercise will power, and that will power comes from not stepping into that which we know we cannot handle.

I trust God to keep me safe while driving and have not had an accident in 35 years. I trust God with my life, but I would not walk out in front of a moving truck, and expect Him to keep me safe. It is up to us to use wisdom and understanding. Pizza is not a problem to me, but cake is.

The point is whether it is cake or something major, if it is a problem, do not put yourself in a position to let it be a problem. If you go to Him, He will satisfy you with good things. God offers us Food for the Spirit. We want to rush into the junk food of the world, instead of reaching for the Living Bread. I think waiting on the good things of God is much better then the good things of the world. What do you think? Do you prefer the junk food of the world or the Solid Food of the Word of God?

God Bless,

Mat 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.


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