Saturday, October 20, 2007


Psalm 15:4 Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge, Who eat up my people as they eat bread, And do not call on the Lord?

Have the workers of injustice no comprehension of what they are doing wrong? Do they really think they it is okay to steal kill and destroy. Wait a minute that is what the devil does. And they wonder and are alarmed when someone try’s to tell them the wages of sin are death.

God did not create hell for humans, it was created as punishment for the angels that turned on Him in heaven. It is humans that silently make the choice to be sent to hell. It is earned, and given to those who not want or desire to know the Lord and obey the simple Laws that He gave.

Even worst is those who twist and teach others to follow things that are not of God. People who are willing to listen and not heed the true words of God, because this is what they have always been taught.

Some people are so indoctrinated in false teachings that they honestly believe them to be true, and this belief that it is true will not save them. I am sadden by friends who are not happy, feel something is missing and search for fulfillment, but will not leave those old teaching alone. Why, I ask, do you hold on to that which does not give you any peace?

My Momma taught me many old home remedies that I still use today. Last week a young lady had a cyst on her leg that the doctors gave her antibodies for. I told her what Momma had told me to do, she did it and today I saw her leg and there is just a light scar. The remedies momma gave caused that cyst to pop and drain overnight. I have also been told things over the years that I know to be false, some I tested and some I wouldn’t even try they were so outlandish.

The devil wants things to look good, he will make the ugliest thing look beautiful. If you faithfully pray to a statue you will get answers. Why because the devil wants you to keep praying to them. It is only in turning to God that he will get alarmed, but fall and you are on your own.

Knowledge is a wonderful gift. The Bible tells us that all will have a chance to hear the Truth and the Truth shall set us free. Workers of iniquity only have the knowledge of lies and are happy in them. Why then should they call on the Lord?

God Bless

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


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