Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Would you believe I had to take my head off my shoulders and put it back under my heart where it belongs? For some crazy reason my head actually thought it belonged above my heart. Well I cannot have that, and I hope you don’t either. My head belongs right where God put it. Under the subjection of my heart.

Let me share with you what happened. I am planning a trip to finally see LJG after 35 years, and it includes the both of us going to a 2 day Women of Faith Retreat. Well, I have been saving up the money for the trip, and low and behold something comes up. Now I could take the money and take care of the something. Common sense would do that; after all it is something that needs to be done, and a trip well it can always happen later. DO WHAT? Okay lets be honest, I have been putting up with something for a while now. Since I moved I have been on dial-up. Now any one who has been there and left it, knows what a pain it can get to be when we are used too much faster. The past few days, and not for the first time, AOL is down and MSN is down and it has been running so slow when it’s up, I am just fed up.

See today I got on-line ready to write, full of all kinds of articles and here I sit, research on-line forget it. Even to look up Bible verses, not possible. Yes I am spoilt behind the computer; it does so much work for me. I had to resort to actually picking up books and looking for things myself instead of my fingers doing the walking.

That I was okay with, until my head spoke to my heart. Now the minute it did I got a little mad. I was already fed up dealing with the computer and now head wants to put in its two cents. Wait a minute head don’t you remember your place, Jesus is in charge here not you. My heart rules, not you. Shut up. THEN I started letting my heart think about this. Have I asked God to get me off dial-up, NO? Had I bothered to speak to Him about how frustrated I was with dial-up, No? Had I even once thought to go to Him with something so important to me, NO?

I had asked Him about the trip and He has more then confirmed that I am to go. I have had miracles happen concerning this trip. So why bother Him with something so minor as dial-up with Him doing what He is doing. Excuse me, don’t I know who I am. What is important to me is important to Him. Did I not just yesterday write that He would satisfy me with good things? What is my problem? Yeah that is right, my problem.

See not only was my head trying to overtake my heart, but also I had allowed my mind set to slip. Before my head spoke I had already slipped. God said that He would supply all my needs. I didn’t bother Him with this as there was so much going on, that it was second place at the time, until today when it finally reached the limit. I have been fed up with dial –up but was tolerating it. Why did I tolerate it, because my mind set was out of quack?

People none of us is perfect and it is so easy to slip. Just like I also wrote about the cake, I can’t have it in my house. So what do I do? First I repent. Lord forgive me. Next I tell Him what is going on, and ask Him to fix it. I am as exact as possible in my request. Then I thank Him that He has already done it. One more thing to do and that is prepare a place for the things I asked for; Because I know He has heard me, and He will answer me.

Lord forgive me, I know that all in my life is important to you, forgive me for thinking that something was not important to You. Forgive me. Thank You Lord that You are a good and gracious Lord and that You will supply all my needs. Now not only do I believed my car is outside for my trip, my printer, copier, scanner is on my desk, and my dial up connection is now back to high speed.

Now if you will excuse me I am going to go look out the window at my car sitting in my parking space. And after I do that I am going to do something else that I should have done when I first asked for it, I am going to clear the space for that printer, copier, scanner. See I had over time forgot to leave it clear and had started putting things in it’s space and now I need to move those things out of the way so when it gets here I can set it right on the shelve without moving anything.

My God wants me to have the little things in life that will make it easier for me. Oh and by the way I just want you to know tomorrow I am having a rib eye steak for lunch and it cost me .57 cents. Yes my God is good all the time. He wants me to have the little things I like in life.

What have you let God do for you lately?

Mind set: setting the thoughts of your mind under your heart, which is where the Spirit of the Lord lives in you. We have lived many years letting our heads [brain] govern our life’s. In giving our life’s to the Lord He comes to reside in our heart and now it is in control and governs our life’s. We have to keep a right mind set. Think with your hearts and not with your head.

God Bless,

Col 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.


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