Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Luke 16:13 “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”

Mammon is confidence in wealth, personified. Riches, greed, and worldly gain personified as a false god in the NT. Riches considered as an evil influence of an object of worship. It is anything that you place of value ahead of God. This means your loyalty to anything other than God.

Anything that we do instead of spending time with God, takes the place of God at that moment. Everything we do, we should do with a Godly attitude. When we carry God in our hearts, it is hard to step out from His banner, which goes before us.

I remember as a child wanting to fit in with all my classmates. Because of this I would tell each group what the other was doing. In the end I lost because I was not loyal to either. Neither group could trust me. Thankfully I learnt that lesson fast.

Fitting in is not as important as fitting right. To be loyal means to stand for what you know to be the truth, even if it is not what the peer group wants or stand for. It is being loyal to the one and only God that we serve.

There is a young man who was prospering very well in his new business. He had the personality that just attracted people to him. He spoke to a number of close friends about joining a group that is well known around the world. I myself told him to stay away from it, and gave him reasons why, and places he could look for more information. The group asks you to take vows, vows above and ahead of everything else in his life. He cannot even share with his wife, the things that go on in this group. He made the choice to join, and there in that one decision his life has turned upside down. Employees have left him, one after the other. His business has slowed down, where before he would work a few hours here and there, now he is back to working full time.

Someone asked me “what has happened to this man?” my answer is he made a choice. The devil does not care about him now. And he choose something ahead of God. Whom does he have left? Understand the devil will do his best to make things look good, but as soon as you make the choice to follow him, he is finished with you. The devil does not care about you at all, except to make you fall.

This young man will tell you point blank he knows and has a relationship with the Lord. I asked him in what way. He put something ahead of the Lord. God does not stand for anything to be ahead of Him. Nothing mind you. Not your spouse or children, your job, and certainly not your wealth.

He is a jealous God. He created you, and He wants you for Himself, not to share you. That is one of the reason’s when we become married we become one; that is when we marry according to God’s plan, if out of God’s plan, we have confusion.

We cannot serve two masters. The choice is yours. What do you choose?

God Bless,

Mat 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.


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