Saturday, October 13, 2007



Sometimes it seems like that is the way of life. At times there is nothing we can do about it, but there is a way, the thing is to find it.

My company added this to our monthly letter attached to our checks this past week: “ Because of the diversity of our customers, their life styles, value systems, religion, etc…Brookshire does not allow wearing pins, buttons, ribbons, etc on their uniforms that are not company issued.”

Brookshire is a Christian Company, and I am proud to say that, and that I work for them. What I do have a problem with is this stand. I am not asking to walk around with a t-shirt in big letters, I am asking to wear a ribbon, not a button or pin, just a simple ribbon that is barely noticeable.

To be quite honest, I can understand their view, were would it end, but still I have a problem with it. I will follow company policy as far as they can see. A young man at work today told me that recently when all supporting a local issue in our state were asked to wear all black he wore his black shirt under his uniform shirt. I myself had my ribbon on my collar; maybe I am the reason for the request. But when the need arises again, I will wear my ribbon, if I have to wear it in my hair.

Which brings me to my point. I might hide my ribbon, or conceal it so as to be not noticeable, but when it comes to my belief in God, you can forget it. I will not be quite, I will not change the subject, nor will I shut up.

I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, that He is the only way into heaven. Without Him and Him alone, there is no other way. He does not have any sidekicks, or helpers. Mary cannot do it for you; no person that has died can help you. You can talk to air all you want, it you aren’t talking to Jesus you are not talking to anyone.

I do not look to Brookshire for my paycheck. Do not misunderstand, I go to work, and do what I was hired to do. I even go above what my actual job duties are at times. But I look to God as my source, 1 Peter 5:7 having cast all your care upon him, for he cares about you. He is the one who said He shall supply all my needs. Brookshire told me when they hired me, God first, family second, job third. I agree with that whole heartily.

Because of company policy I will hide my ribbons, but I will not be quite if the issue is brought up. I will speak on it, as I will any subject that God has laid on my heart. I do not carry my Bible round with me at work, but I carry it in my heart. The same goes for the issues in this life that He lays on my heart. Oh they can take my ribbon from me, but they cannot take my belief away from me. The day they try to do that is the day my Father will tell me to speak what He says, and then go.

God Bless,

Phl 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.


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