Wednesday, October 10, 2007


No of course not, most women would answer. Why not? We can no longer communicate and be accepted by other women. We do hurt each other unmercifully, something we have learned from a very young age. We let them know in no uncertain terms they are not welcomed into our little pious group. Now, let me ask you this question, have or do you understand your position according the Bible? For the answer we will start from the beginning.

God looked upon Adam and knew there was no one for him to have close to him. So He put Adam into a deep sleep and from Adam's rib cage and created woman (Gen 2:22). She was the answer. Yes, God created woman to be the answer.

We are the guardians of the heart. In Proverbs wisdom is referred as a "woman." We are told there to hide her words in our hearts. She builds her house, she is a crown to her husband, and a gracious woman keeps honour. Most women have more compassion than men. We feel more deeply than do men. We show our feelings more easily. We need not be in competition with other women. We should be willing to complete them.

Take for instance the relationship between rECj and myself. We honestly love each other. She is the brain behind our site; she is the writer as compared to my duties as being behind the scene. Does that bother me? Not in the least. I enjoy proofing her articles that we publish. I enjoy doing research for her. I enjoy all the little things that need to be done. I know yall are having a problem with the statement "we honestly love each other." Now, here is the explanation of that statement, God created our relationship over 35 years ago, as we have mentioned more than once. We know that the Bible tells us "whatsoever God has put together, let no man put asunder" (Matthew 19:6). Yes, the first part of that very same verse is talking about a man and a woman, but I also think God was also giving instruction to the women of the world.

I know, I know, in the world we are living in today seeing two women, as close as we are, is looked at in a very negative and unhealthy way. But you see God doesn't create negative or unhealthy, people do.

Down thru the years woman have become to believe that they must have a man in their lives to be complete. If you know your history, you will know that in the beginning women did spend a lot of time together. They had a good time together. They exchanged ideas, receipts, and wisdom for life for the younger and even sometimes for the older women as well. Not today. We have to keep our secrets of life to ourselves because we are afraid that we will lose our own importance, or other woman will be liked more than we. Oh that way of thinking is just plain silly when we think about it.

There is no one who can be you. We are and were created by a great God. We all have our very own importance that has been given to no one else. So why are we so afraid of other women? Because we want to look good in the eyes of the world. The world is going to send us straight to the pit if we, as women, don't do something about it.

Remember we were created to be the answer. Who do your children come to when something in their life needs to cleared up? You know as well as I do others come to you for answers as well but we turn them away so many times. Don't do that anymore. God has bestowed on each of us knowledge and wisdom. Please share with all who come to you for help.

God is the man of our lives. Live for Him. Share His love. We are the answer.

rECj: What LJG is speaking of is so true. It is hard to trust anyone in this day and age. How many of us know husband’s that have left a wife for her good friend, or the babysitter. As with everything we need to seek God on whom to form closer relationships with. It is wonderful to know that I can speak and share with LJG any and everything. People such as this are called mentors, and it is important to have them in our life’s.

Let me explain what a mentor is first. A mentor is someone who will not judge you, never put you down, and always be there for you. God puts them in our life’s to coach us, teach us, and yes to correct us.

Closer friends should be able to do this for each other, it is a two way street. But again we have to seek God and wait on Him to guide us to trusting women who will not put our business down the street.

As I told one younger lady not long ago, “If we are not there for each others as sisters in the Lord, who then can we trust?” Making friends is like building a house; you want to use the best material possible. That means starting with Christians. Woman we do need to be there for each other, make a start today by reaching out to another lady. Take it slow and let it built over time.

We also need to remember to not tell our business to just any and everyone. That is why it is so important to built and develop relationships slowly, and with Chrsitian ladies.

A comment on LJG being behind the scenes, without this lady there would not be a scene.

God's Blessings to each of you,

John 20:13 And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? She saith unto them, Because they have taken away my LORD, and I know not where they have laid him. (It was the "woman" who got to tell the "men" that Jesus had risen.)


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