Saturday, October 06, 2007


With all that is going on in our world, the war in Iraq, Jena 6, killings, and disaster everywhere, why am I writing so much about marriage and sex? Well to be honest with you, the last thing I would want to do in this crazy world is come home to a man who did not live by God’s standards. And if I am going to come home to a man I want it to be enjoyable.

Let’s face the facts; if we are going to do something, then lets do it the right way. Some of us are content to be alone, and I am one who is, I Cr 7:8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide (live alone) even as I (Paul). I have on occasion thought of what it would be like to cuddle up on a cold night, have someone to drink coffee early in the morning and watch the sun come up. Yes I am far from dead. When I think though on the changes that it would bring about in my life, I am content to stay as I am. I am complete in who I am. Not all are as I am, and for those, yes marriage is the right answer, if the right man/woman is chosen.

The feelings that we have are normal God given feelings. The thing is to act on them in a Godly way. When we step out and pick anyone, then we run straight into problems.

Yes run into problems. 2 Cr 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? Being unequally yoked is pulling in two directions at once. God wants us to be complete in Him, and if that includes a mate, then surely it will be one that completes us, not causes confusion.

It would be wonderful to come home to a man that I could pray and seek God with. Someone who would go with me before the Lord in agreement about the problems we all face in life. It would be nice to not have to call a pray partner in the middle of the night when we need backup.

Ladies and gentlemen, when we pick a mate to share our life’s with, we are in fact making ourselves a whole. How could you even consider someone outside the same teachings that you yourself believe in? There is a very diverse selection of churches out there that all believe the truth. I know of Christians who do not believe in speaking in tongues. Can you imagine spending your life with someone who believes in the Lord as you do, but thinks that you praying and speaking in tongues is wrong.

God wants us to be happy and content in our life’s. Our home is our save refuge. We can turn off the phone, the television and have peace and relax from the world outside. Do you really want that safe haven to include someone that is not in line with the Word of God?

You would not walk up and try to pet a snake, but you will agree to join your life to someone who is every bit as dangerous as that person you are talking to. I was told many years ago to not put your self in a position to fall in love with someone you would not want to spend the rest of your life with. Honestly if you hang around with drunks, sooner or later you will find your self-falling in love with one.

There are all kinds of shortcuts in life that we can take. For a fancy meal we can go to the deli and pick up some meat and side dishes and come home and set them on a platter and let everyone think we cooked it. You though will know the truth. Is this how you want to pick a husband or wife? I really hope not. Your marriage is one of the most important decisions you will ever make in life. I would rather throw out many baskets of apples and wait for the right one.

Remember this, you cannot change someone, train him or her, or straighten him or her out. You can only pick from what you see, if you are going by sight alone. What looks good, is not always good, 1Sa 16:7 But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for [the LORD seeth] not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. When the Lord picks for you, He will choose someone that will complete you, that will grow with you. When you are 65 they will still fit you as you will still fit them. You will not grow apart, you will grow closer together.

Is it worth being this picky? Most certainly, it might take longer to get the right one, but in the long run it will be worth the wait. He/she will fit to you and you will become the whole that God intended marriage to be.

Then you can read Song of Solomon and say this is my beloved and my beloved loves me. This is not a fairy tale; it is the Word of God and how He intends for marriage to be.

God Bless,

I Cr 7:0 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.


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