Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Yeah what about them? They are normal, and we are alive. We do not have to act on them.

This I share because it is funny. It was funny after it happened and I can still laugh about it. I was at work one day a few years ago and hearing a sound I looked up to see my dream man. Let me tell you he was handsome, tall, dark, and slightly bowed legged. Okay I happen to like a slightly bow legged man. I had to turn and walk the other way. I had tinglings I had not had in years, in places I had almost forgot I had. I found a quite place and called on the Lord. HELP! Thank You Lord that I am still alive and healthy with normal feelings, but Lord take this away now! It left and I praised God for it.

This has happened a few other times and each time I did not act on the feelings, but turned to God and He took them away. We are human, and these feelings are natural. I honestly believe if someone would have set me down when I was younger and told me about those feelings I would have known and expected them, and been better able to handle them.

We though are adults and we know that it feels good when our neck is kissed, or whatever your spot is. We should not let anyone near those spots, and if by change a man does go there we know where it can and will lead, if we do not put a stop to it. It is up to us to say NO.

The other day I met a newly wed couple. They dated for a year and a half, and he only went into her home the night before the wedding to move some of his things there. They were never alone for the first 6 months. They are Christians. He told me he would never have asked her to do something that he knew was against everything they believed in. And further more because of his relationship with Christ, he wouldn’t have tried anything anyway. He wanted, as she did, to put God first.

Another couple I know has been married for a few years now. They met at her place of employment. They knew almost immediately that God constructed their meeting. They were soul mates. She has told me that if one of them wakes up at night and the other is not there, they know the other one is in the back yard praying. They do not go check on each other, they know that the time alone with the Lord is vital to them being who they are. Next I asked her the question that has been on my mind for a long time.

That question, is it different? See people I have been married, and it was not what God put together. I have always thought and still do, that what the Lord puts together is bigger and better then anything we can do on our on. So yes, I asked her was the sex between a man and woman different when the Lord had established the marriage. Her answer, she said it was like she was a virgin all over again. Knowing that God’s hand was on this marriage and the blessings that go hand in hand with knowing that, her wedding night was beautiful and so has the rest of their years together.

It is certainly worth waiting. Psa 27:14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. Someone who says they love you doesn’t want you to prove it by doing something that they know you consider to be wrong. You can react to feelings that your body craves, but this is because you put yourself in that position. Learn how to say no, and then stand your ground. Don’t allow yourself to get into a spot where you know you should not be.

God Bless,

Psalms 37:34 Wait on the LORD, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see [it].


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