Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I had someone very dear to me tell me one time I was too picky about men. I told them I finally was picky enough. Yes I am still on the subject from yesterday. Why, because I see to many of our young woman settling for so much less then what they should have, and I am talking about a man.

Yes I am picky, very picky. And I intend to stay this way. If he is not a born again Christian, then don’t waste my time. Yeah he can be religious all he wants, but if he doesn’t believe as I do, out the door [which is an expression, he wouldn’t get in the door to begin with]. What am I going to do, be walking around praising God while he is on his mat facing the right direction to pray to a statue? Forget it.

He wants to sit around on the weekend and drink beer and watch football, or even worst baseball. Okay I am not a big sports fan, but all weekend. I want someone in my life that will share things and interest with me. I would enjoy watching a game with him, if he would watch” Notebook” with me. Having different interest can be fun. Learning and growing together. The beer though has to go, sorry but the smell makes me sick. Why should I put up with something that makes me want to vomit?

Now this one is going to touch even a few friends’ toes. [Let me say first I did not know him that well when I introduced the two of you. You took it to another level, and that is on you.] He works in a band, he is a cop, he works off shore or out of town. Now lets get real here for a minute you really did think he was cute didn’t you. And after all, the way he works, you did have time to yourself. Now that you are falling in love, you want more of him. Get a grip, you knew it when you met him, or soon after. If you want a man that will be home every night then look for that and stop at anything less.

Why settle for less? Don’t you trust God to give you a mate that is going to complete you? Yes complete you, not compete with you.

When I meet a man I have a few questions that I ask. Only a few make it past that point and so far none have made it much further. What are your religious beliefs? Where do you attend church? Those questions will stop a man real fast. One man who would not stop was told to go ask my Pastor if he could take me out. He told me he would until he heard who my Pastor was. He left without a word. Another man could not believe I was saving myself for marriage; after all I do have 4 children. Well I am and if someone cares enough about me, then he also will want to wait.

Ladies set your standards high, and then keep them there. Any man who wants you to throw your beliefs to the side is not worth it.

If you will seek God, Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you., before you seek the man, what do you think will happen? God intended for men and women to be together. Not all, some are content to be alone as Paul said. But why not take this matter to the Lord, as you should any and everything else. I promise you God will pick a man that is perfect for you; He will pick a man that will complete you. Which in turn will fulfill you.

God Bless

Matthew 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day [is] the evil thereof.


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