Thursday, September 27, 2007


Do you like that catchy title? Well LJG and I have spend the last 3 hours on the phone and have come to a decision. We felt and still feel strongly that the Lord had lead us to read Psalms and Proverbs. What we wanted to do in our excitement was to let you take the walk with us. After careful consideration we have come to the conclusion that it is our walk and if you want you can also walk it. The revelations that come from our growth we will share with you in the future. For now we will go back to the daily articles about life in general and whatever the Lord lays on our hearts for the day.

In the beginning this site was to write our thoughts to ponder. As the Lord would lead we would write and our readers have shown us that when we do a series we seem to loose some of you.

We will continue with our study, but the articles will end with today. I do encourage each of you to continue to read and study the Bible in a way that God lays on your heart. As we have said before it is only in this that we can learn and grow.

We have learned from this, and the Lord is showing us some delightful scriptures that we will address in the near future.

For today we are sharing a piece that was sent to me by a wonderful sister who is in Iraq. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Our Saturday and Sunday editorial will be up as usual. Yes, we do need to voice our concerns with happenings in the world. Monday we will go back to our normal articles. Thank you for your patience while we got the bugs out.

As you, hopefully, continue to read and study Psalms and Proverbs we are praying that you will see the instructions to us as the "chosen" of God. Then the reasons for those instuctions and finally how closely related they are to the life of our Christ. It saddens rECj and my hearts that the one that should have called our attention to our "bugs" did not follow the instuction of the Lord and let us know. Sometimes we get so busy asking God is that really You telling me to write them, are you sure it is You? that we loose sight of the fact that it was from God and we should have obeyed.

Those of you who do continue the study, please we ask you to share your thoughts and questions with us. This site is for all of us to grow blossom in the life God intended. Let us all remember what Jesus said in Matthew 10:32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. rECj and I do confess Him before men every day. Can you do likewise. Now on with the article rECj told you about.

I have moved

I wanted to let everyone know that I have moved, and to give you my new
address. I have moved from Beggars' Alley located on Poverty Lane at the
corner of Bleak and Busted Circle. As of today, I have a brand new home.

My new address is:
Living Well Drive in the Abundance Subdivision, located at the corner
of Blessings Street and thankful Peak. You get there by taking the
Praising Him Interstate, which runs North, South, East and West.

No Longer will I allow myself to travel on Begging Peter to pay off
Paul Route, because it's located at a dead-end intersection called:
I Don't Have, that crosses Borrowers' Junction.

I no longer hang out at Failures' Place near Excuses Avenue , next to
Procrastination Mall. I've moved on to an upscale community called
Higher Heights with unlimited potential and opportunities for me to
Succeed--look at me!!

Please know that each day that HE awakens me, I am thankful to be a
product of my new environment. All of my clothes are MASTER
TAILOR-MADE. I am dressed in life's finest.

Let me introduce you to all of my new neighbors:

Life is good because: GOD IS GOOD!!!!!

If not we pray that you will be moving soon!!!!!!!!

God bless each one of you.

Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that [were] on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.


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