Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Psalms 31 my refuge is in the Lord. I look back at how You have been there for me. I have cried out to You and yes You do hear me, in times of trouble. Strengthened by the Lord we are able to strengthen others to be strong and take heart, all who hope in the Lord.

Psalm 32 we are blessed whose sins are forgiven. Keeping quite only hurts me, I wasted, and my strength was gone. Then I turned to you and confess, and You forgive me the guilt of my sin. Let all who are troubled go to You. You tell me in verses 8 and 9 that You will instruct me, teach me in the way I should go; You will counsel me and watch over me. You tell me not to be like an animal with no understanding, one who is controlled by bit and bridle. Your unfailing love surrounds those who trust in You. I am to rejoice in You oh Lord, and be glad and I am to sing of it.

Psalm 33 yes we are to sing. It is fitting for us to do so, to the Lord. Sing of His goodness, His unfailing love. We wait in hope for the Lord, in Him our hearts rejoice for we trust His Holy Name. May Your love rest on us, even as we put our hope in You.

Psalm 34 Extol the Lord in everything. We seek and find Him. He causes our faces to be radiant. Problems might come, but the Lord will see us through all of them. The eyes of the Lord are on His children, His righteous. He hears us when we cry out to Him and He delivers us from all our troubles. The Lord redeems his servants, no one will be condemned who take refuge in Him.

Psalm 35 Contend Lord with those who contend with me. Take up my shield, and come to my aid. I have myself cried out for them to you Lord, but when I stumbled they gathered to laugh. You Lord have seen this, rise to my defense. Vindicate me in your righteousness Lord my God. I will speak of Your righteousness and of Your praise all day long.

Proverbs 7 my son keep my words and store them up. Let me tell you a story. I saw out my window a young man who lacked judgment. As he walked about in the world, someone came out to meet him. She toke hold of him, and said come with me, I have been looking for you and have found you. The world seduced him with persuasive words and smooth talk. He followed the world, like an ox going to slaughter, little knowing it would cost him his life. Many are the victims of the world and it’s pleasures, it is the highway to the grave, to the chambers.

LJG's thoughts
I do know who hears my cries no matter what. I do know that with courage He will reward me with preservation and my heart will be made strong. I do know that those who come against me are also coming against Him. He will not tolerate them for long.The wicked, which I am no longer a part of, will have many, many sorrows. I am not a stupid person so therefore I don't need a bit and bridle in my mouth to guide me. The words of God will guide me. In Him will I hide when the storms of life are trying to over take me. I am allowed to shout with joy for Him giving me His instructions. He created all mankind hearts in the same manner and because He chose me I will stand in fear and admiration of Him. His counsel is the best thing that ever happened to me. Nothing can be hid from Him, as He is looking down on all of us all the time. I will chose to obey His words and desires for my life. My heart can rejoice because He hears my cries when I am down and out, when they are gathered around me, He comes to my aid, I am delivered. Unlike the wicked, I will not be without because my trust is in Him. The people who come against me for any unrighteous reason don't stand a chance. He will punish them for me. So I will keep His praise continually before all the people that rely on God. He judges me, He knows my heart. Nothing good will come to those who choose to try to destroy the righteous, they will be blown away in the wind.

Proverbs 7
The beauty of the world and the unrighteous is as a harlot. If we weaken and go the way of the harlot, world, then we will be lead straight to the pit. We have to be strong and stand fast on the commandments of God. Unless, I study His Words and plans for my life I will not be able to be firm. They have to be in my heart ready to be used at a moments notice. Without even really thinking about it, we will be able to turn from her way and save ourselves thru His mercies.

Scripture reading for tomorrow Psalms 36~40 and Proverbs 8.

God's Blessings to each of you,

Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right


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