Sunday, September 23, 2007


Psalm 26 sounds like someone almost to good to be true, let’s take a closer look. The writer is not claiming to be perfect, but to have a consistent life of trust and obedience to the Lord. While the writers did not know of the teachings of Jesus, but they did know the law. There is a difference between those who know and try to do right and those who deliberately set aside the laws of the Lord. Just as today Christians are to look at themselves different, so then did those who knew the Lord. In spite of their imperfections, once forgiven they were in right standing with the Lord.

Psalms 27 speaks of trust and commitment to the Lord. No matter what comes against us, we serve the LORD. Our only desire is to dwell in the house of the lord all our days, and to gaze upon His face. Oh the reward that is in store for us who serve the Great and Almighty God.

Psalm 28 is a cry out to the Lord, and yes He here's, and yes He answers. Praise be to God.

Psalm 29 tells us to ascribe, to assign as an attribute, to the Lord, glory, strength, worship Him in the splendor of His holiness. Glory to the Lord.

Psalm 30 is a psalm of thanksgiving. You, Lord have brought me out of the depths. I called to You and You hear me and answered me. Your anger lasts a moment but Your favor a lifetime. The danger behind us, we acknowledge God with gratitude.

Proverbs 6 is telling us that if we extend ourselves in something that is wrong, then humble ourselves and get out of it. Do not put off what you know needs to be done, do it how and have peace. Proverbs names the 7 things that are detestable to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes; feet that are quick to rush into evil; a false wins, and a person who stirs up dissension among his brothers. He pleads for you to keep his instructions, because he knows that harm that can come from not. The adulteress, which we know is anything that draws us from the Lord, will destroy us, just as a husband who catches his wife, so is the Lord a jealous Lord who will show no mercy when he takes revenge.

LJG's thoughts:
I will listen when He tells me the ones that I will no longer be part of. I do not want to be around sinners, what have they to do with my salvation? How will they get me to heaven? I will gladly tell them of His saving grace and the powers Him. Yes, of course, we must share Him with sinners, how else will they know Him? But once His truth has been shared then I will no longer associate with them as long as they tarry in their wicked ways. They must have the desire to change their ways, live for Him, and walk down the narrow path He has set before us, in order for me to associate with them. We are judged by the company we keep. Birds of a feather flock together. I don't want His anger to kindle against me to cause my destruction. I will sing of and to Him while I am waiting on Him to show me His face. When the foe comes for me, He will hide me in His bosom, He will put me on top of a rock to keep me save and untouchable. He has kept me from my mothers womb. When all others turn from me He is still there with me. He is my joy and companion. God's voice is in all the world. The rain is God's music. How powerful is His voice. It gives to me the strength to keep going on. God will bless His anointed people with peace and blessings. At the sound of His voice the trees fall, the rocks and mountains crumble, He is in the midst of the storm. Look for His whispers in the wind. He is only angry for a moment, weeping last for the night but joy comes in the morning. I rest in the Lord as my helper. He turns all the bad into good just for me.
Proverbs 6
I am not to sow confusion. Those that keep these things, a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness, and he that soweth discord, in their hearts will find their calamity coming upon them suddenly and they are going to be broken. I am not to be lazy. There is a difference between a thief who steals because he is hungry, that he can pay back, but a man who plays in another's field is destroying his very soul. There is no way that can be paid back no matter how much it is desired to do so. If I have the light, the law, written on the tablet of my heart I will be equipped to refrain from all these evils.

Scripture for tomorrow Psalms 3 ~ 35 and Proverbs 7

God Bless,

Proverbs 18:18
The lot causeth contentions to cease, and parteth between the mighty.


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