Sunday, September 23, 2007


Today I want to address something that was in our local paper. Of course my opinion applies to more then just this. But anyway I hope it gets a laugh out of you. Maybe it will make you think.

One of the biggest local churches had their annual poker ran this weekend. WWJD, we all remember that don’t we. Yeah I can sure see Him sitting right there not saying a word, and in fact taking part, and participating. What I find even funnier is this is also one of the richest churches in town.

Now my opinion: if you are hungry and going through a ruff time, I will not expect you to sell your mother’s family jewelry to get you through this time. I will it fact get you some food. But if you are going to do nothing to help yourself, short of gambling, then you need to sell your mother’s jewelry and anything else you have that is valuable. Do you get my point?

Back in the day when I was in the world, I would bring a group of ladies 100 miles each Sunday so they could play the horses. I also would play a couple, a bet here and there. Do not misunderstand me, gambling is gambling, but I had a budget and a limit. These women gambled and unless they won, would play it all.

Every Sunday as we set in the dining club, there was a table full of nuns. Without fell they were there from beginning to end, gambling.

Excuse me; I want my money to be spend wisely. I support a church that I know where my money is going. But to have a poker run to raise money, NO. Growing up LJG and I can neither one remember dinner sales, or anything like that. We would have picnic lunches on the grounds where everyone came and brought something, and everyone ate. There was no charge. People I do not understand.

This church is beautiful, but they are always asking for money, they do not have the money to maintain the building, the grounds, etc. Then why may I ask it there a new statue about 20 feet high in your parking lot? It is beautiful, but what is the purpose, if you have members who are struggling to pay their bills. So you have a poker run? You are again promoting one of the very things that Jesus was so upset about when He turned over tables in the temple.

Maybe my hardheadedness is showing, maybe I am wrong. No, don’t think so. Another thing I do not understand is bingo. They have weekly bingo games to raise money. You can find no other way to get it, that right there shows there is a problem. And the worst part is people are actually giving, even people who do not belong to this religion, but to others. EXCUSE ME! Does your pastor’s know about this? I would love to see some good old time preachers getting into some hell fires and damnation sermons down here.

BUT of course this is only my opinion, and who am I.

I agree with rECj 100%. The Lord's house, if it is truly a house of the Lord, should never be guilty of using it for means other than the purpose God intended. No where can I find where Jesus condoned such actions as gambling and the such, whether it is in His house or another dwelling. I do know how He felt about the money changers. A lot of churches had watch their p's and q's, He is still quite capable of taking a whip to clean them up today as He did when He was here.

I, too, would love to see some of the "old timey" preachers get started preaching in a lot of areas. But it is sad to say but today's people are too soft and them preachers sure could toughen their hides once and for all. Maybe that is the whip God will use in the end to clean His houses of worship.

God Bless,

Luke 18:8
I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?


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