Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Psalm 36 we are looking at evil, even on their bed, they do not reject that which is wrong. You Lord are priceless in Your unfailing love. With You is the fountain of life, Your righteousness is to the upright. They though are not able to rise.

Psalm 37 wherever we look people are disobeying the Lord, and it looks good. But do not fret about these things. Things are not as they seem. The wicked are far from a comfortable spot. Their time will come to an end. The blessings of the Lord shall be upon His people. Security is ours. Wait, continue to do good, have patience, God will act.

Psalm 38 repentance, do not rebuke me Lord. I have sinned and ask for your forgiveness. I wait on You Lord and You will come Lord my God. Come quickly.

Psalm 39 I have tried to keep quite Lord, but my mouth bursts force with why. My hope is in You and You only. Save me, remove Your scourge from me. Hear my prayer listen to my cry for help. Look away that I might rejoice again, before I am no more.

Psalm 40 waiting for the Lord, He heard me. He lifted me from where I was. He put a new song in my heart. Blessed is the one who puts their trust in the Lord. You do not desire sacrifice and offerings. I desire to do the will of God. I do all I know to do. Troubles still surround me, my heart falls me. Be pleased to save me, come quickly for me Lord. Lord You are my help and my deliver, do not delay. Obedience is more important then sacrifice.

Proverbs 8 tells us who wisdom is. Wisdom is called a she and we are told she was here before the earth was formed. She tells us she speaks the truth, no wickedness. Be discerning. My instruction is more precious then silver, my knowledge more valuable then gold. To fear the Lord is to hate evil. She hates pride, arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. She tells us she loves those that love her and those who seek her. With her are riches, honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. She tells us that the Lord brought her forth as the first of His works, appointed from eternity. Listen to what she says and you will be blessed. Watch daily for her and whoever finds her finds life and receives favor from the lord. Whoever fails to find her harms themselves; those who hate her love death.

LJG's thoughts:
Well, I can certainly see the difference between the wicked and victorious man. There is no fear of the Lord in him, he doesn't even try to do good, he is always thinking of ways to make others miserable. His is selfish. Don't worry about the wicked, what they have or what they will get. Do not want what they have for in all truth what they have is nothing. I love verse 4: Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Oh yes the delight of Him is the greatest gift. To know that when all else fails, we, the righteous will prevail. Well, David knew, just as I know, when God is angry with him/me. I know when God isn't close to me. I then have to examine myself to see what sin/sins I have allowed into my life. There are some in my life who want to destroy me by bringing me down to their level. Then they can laugh and make fun of me. But I will depend on the God of my salvation to keep me from them. My life is just a empty, useless vessel without the Lord living in and walking with me. Why should I store up riches on this earth? Why good will they do me? He was never ashamed of the Lord and spoke His praise at all times. He put a new song on his lips. God does take us out of the pits we get ourselves into. Evil doers will come to nothing and be ashamed. Even tho God does correct me, sternly sometimes, and lightly at others, His beauty is always there for me. He will not let me be consumed by my enemies.
Proverbs 8
Wisdom has been around since the beginning of creation. Those who love wisdom with find the Lord. We need to seek Him early. Those that hate wisdom loves death.

Scripture reading for tomorrow Psalms 41~45 and Proverbs 9

God Bless,

1 Corinthians 1:24 But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.


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