Sunday, October 07, 2007


It is validly important to God that we address Him concerning all areas of our life’s. There is nothing that concerns us that He is not interested in. We are part of Him, and in being so He wants and desires for us to have all He wants for us, none of which is bad. He does not want His children sick, hungry, homeless, lacking any good thing.

So it is with our partners in marriage. He desires for us to be in marriages that He puts together. Not for us to clean someone up, that is His job. Not for us to change someone, we can’t. Not for us to disagree all the time, no. All relationships will have areas that need to be talked about and agreed on. It is in how we do that, which is important. And how we do that is seeking God on everything.

Now I am going to go back one more time to SEX. Since I have gone there, I do intend to speak on it. Ladies and gentlemen there are many ways of showing love to your partner, other then the actual act of sexual intercourse. What two married people do together in private is their business. If it pleases them and each other, then it is beautiful. There are Pastors I have heard preach on certain sexual acts and say they are wrong. I tell you to pray and ask God. Yes ask God about your sex life. He created it. There are things that I believe should not be done in the bedroom, and here I am speaking of acts of violence or perversities. Sex is not an act that belittles a person; it is an act of enjoyment. It is not a contest to see who can do what, are how long it can last. It does not demean anyone. Nor does it ask of someone to perform acts that they are uncomfortable with. It is a coming together of two souls into one. Sexual intercourse is a beautiful act of expression of love between two married people.

Some of the simplest acts can be very erotic and sensual when two people are seeking to make the other feel good. One of the things that stood out to me in Songs of Solomon is when the man tells the woman her feet are beautiful in shoes. We are not to be ashamed of our bodies as God Himself created them. And we are all aware that different parts of the body when touched give us certain feelings. This pertains to a man and to a woman. No body I have ever spoke to ever wanted to just jump in the bed and do it. NOT to say that sometime that isn’t fun. Most women wanted to be lead into a desire of wanting to be loved. Men are not that different. Ladies let me tell you something an old lady told me a long time ago. Why do you think harlots are popular? Because they do not take life’s problems into the bedroom. They do not talk about the bills, the children, or car repairs. Your bedroom should be a place of peace and tranquility. Not part of the office. Another old man told me never to go to bed angry, and we shouldn’t. Settle it before you hit the sheets. Even if it is just in lying together and falling asleep, the bedroom is for romance not anything else.

The word intercourse actually means exchange or communication between [in this case] two married persons of the opposite sex. So the act of intercourse does not mean sex, though we have taken it there. It is the communication that draws us closer to another. And if that ends in the act of coming together in sexual intercourse then that is beautiful, but it doesn’t have to. The King James Version does not list the word "intercourse" at all. It uses the word "carnally," other translations do use the word intercourse. How many people have you heard say they would just like to be held? Have you ever felt that way yourself? The act of intercourse does not have to end with the sexual act. It is in the coming together of two that God has put together, and that my friends is what makes it work.

Seek God in all you do. Seek Him in your mate. Seek Him. Isa 62:5B And as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride so shall your God rejoice over you.

God Bless,

James 1:4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.


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