Saturday, November 03, 2007



Jesus told the people when they asked Him for a sign [proof] that all they would have is Jonah. How then do I prove that my belief in the Bible is the whole truth, nothing but the truth, and the only truth? Why do I believe with every core of my being that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light? How do I tell you that what you are believing in is falsehoods, lies make up by the devil himself to draw people away from the truth of the Lord?

You can read the articles we have wrote on tracing the Bible. But you have your own tracings that make your Book the truth. I can tell you how Jesus is there for me every step of my life, and you in turn can do the same with your beliefs. I can explain until the world ends that when I pray to God I feel His very present in my inner most being, a calm and peacefulness that is beyond words. You can tell me the same with yours.

How then can I convince you that I am right and you are wrong? The Bible tells us very plainly that not everyone’s eyes shall be open to the truth. He tells us that all shall not be saved. He tells us that many will hear the truth and turn from it. How does that compare with yours? Does yours do the same?

The Bible even tells us plainly that many who think they believe in this Bible will be found to be lost, because they have not obeyed it. How then are we to convince a lost and dying world that Christ is the only way?

I spoke for along time with a Jewish woman not long ago, and by her belief in the OT, she is standing in the truth of what she knows. This woman only eats fresh kosher foods. She obeys the Laws of the OT. She does what her Bible tells her to do. And she knows it better then I myself know the complete Bible. According to my beliefs she is lost. That is sad, because she is doing all she can with what she knows to be the truth. It will not get her to heaven.

It is easy for an outsider to look at some of the religion in the world today and wonder how can they believe that.

My son said he would love to travel to India and shoot a cow and eat it in front of these people. They are starving to dead, but will not eat a cow. But to them it is all they know, and to them it is the truth. They would rather die starving then eat of this animal.

We can easily look at the Muslins and talk about them killing everyone who does not believe as them, but look into our own OT and you will see the same. And I must say here that if you look back at the story of Ishmael, it is easy to see why they believe as they do. Ishmael’s own children married back into the family of Jacob, and they are the ones that were named as the true descendants of Abraham. For the story look at these scriptures. Genesis 25

How then can I show you my beliefs are the right ones? How then can I prove to you that the Bible is the truth of the One and only Almighty God, that there is no other in this world that offers everlasting life and that it is true, without a blemish.

Jesus told us that He is the Way, the Truth and the Light, there is no other. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

No I cannot prove it. No not in the flesh. But proof, oh yes I have that and it is efficient for me. It is in having that relationship with Christ, that as I speak to another who believes different, my Spirit will tell me NO. It is in talking to Him daily, that He guides me, instructs me. It is Him that tells me words spoken by one called a Pastor do not line up with His Word. It is only in having this relationship that I do know that what I do believe is the only Truth.

Let me explain. My God tells me that it is in believing what I do not see, Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.,it is believing the impossible, Mat 19:26 But Jesus beheld [them], and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible., when all the odds say no, that He makes Himself visible to me. He does that. He makes His presence known to me by continually doing things in my life that I cannot contribute to man’s intervention. The things I am speaking of can only be called a miracle. I live by this, I breathe it, sleep it, and when I fail as we all will in life, it is to Him that I turn, and He never fails me, never forsakes me. He is the answer for everything good in my life.

The only proof I have is when I obey the commandants of this Bible; there is always peace in my life, no matter what is going on in the world. Yes we believe this to be the inspired Word of the Only God. And we stand by it, and not by anything concocted by man.

We have done a lot of research and it all leads back to the Bible. We will stand with it. We will continue to believe it until the end. The Lord is our final belief, our only belief.

God Bless,

Mark 10:27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men [it is] impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.


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