Monday, October 29, 2007


The Bible goes green
The following is a article by Jonathon Morgan
Oct 10th 2007 @ 4:03PM

"For many, flipping through a copy of the Bible is food for the soul. Now, thanks to the efforts of one eco-conscious publisher, you can feel even better during your religious readings, comforted by the fact you're spiritual satisfaction isn't coming at the expense of Mother Nature. Introducing the green Bible!"

You'd think producing more environmentally-friendly Bibles would be a no brainier -- especially seeing as many church leaders have been speaking out on global warming in recent months -- but it's no easy task. Thomas Nelson Inc., the publisher behind the project, had to basically invent a new kind of paper that was both made from recycled material and lightweight enough for the kind of paper traditionally used in Bibles. In the end their hard work paid off, and yesterday they released the first Bible printed on Forest Stewardship Council-certified paper. Hopefully it won't be long before the new green Bible shows up at a church near you!”

Now that you have read that, what is your first thought. I have to admit I think it is about time we become more concerned about this earth we live in, but. Oh yes we have to have a but. My first thought is most of the environmentalists I have heard of, are more into mother earth then anything else. My first thought, but then I really don’t know that for a fact. Just wanted to get your attention. I am glad that our pastors have taken up the subject of global warming; they should have taken up the issue of treating this earth like a gift from God a long time ago.

Every Christian knows that God created this earth, and all that is in it. Yet we as Christians will throw a piece of paper out the window as fast as any one else. We should know better. How many of us have walked by a piece of paper or can on the ground and kept walking? Myself included.

A few weeks ago I was sitting outside on my break and the wind blew my candy paper across the lot, did I run after it? Of course not, it was too much trouble, and the wind was blowing to fast. It was after all one piece of paper. Well, I will tell you also that God reminded me of that paper a long time after my break was over. Now when I go outside I take a bag and tuck it under my leg with my trash inside. Sometime God tells you things that you just know to do, without going BUT. It kind of made me think of my Dad, it was better to just go with the flow then try to explain the bother of doing what they said to do. After all they both were right, in the end.

Yes, God cares about a piece of paper. He created this earth to be a paradise for all living creatures. Not a dumping ground for toxic waste, or my candy bar wrapper. We can each do our part. At my apartment complex whoever’s trash can is left out is going to find trash in it. The other day it was mine. I had left for work and the trash man had not passed. I don’t know who, but there was a good bit of trash in that can when I got home. Good better my trash can then the ground.

Genesis 1: 31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Genesis 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended His work, which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which he had done.

We have misused the good earth and all that is in it, and still we do not stop. Yes, what God created was good, and man throughout history has continued to tear down and not replace. One person can make a difference and it can and should start with you.

God Bless,

2Pe 3:13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.


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