Sunday, October 28, 2007


1 Peter 1:8 “Though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.”

I want to share something with you today. It was a gift that in years has never been matched, and never saw again. One day in praying and seeking the Lord I asked to see Him. He appeared as in a cloud, with the long white robe, and the brightness that shone forth from Him was blinding. I cannot say He looked like this or looked like that. What I can say is it was Him, and I could see the features of eyes, nose and mouth.

I say never been matched because there is nothing to compare it with. I also had an experience one time that brought me to another level with the Lord that also has gone unmatched. At the time I was holding my grandson and was praising the Lord when I felt myself going away toward the brightest light I have ever saw. My daughter hearing my cries of wonder came and took my grandson from my arms. To say I melted into the light is the only way I can describe it, we became one. The present of the Lord was so full I can easily understand why Moses’ hair turned white.

Who am I, nobody special, not to this world anyway. I am not a preacher, nor do I travel the world to reach lost souls. I have a normal job, and normal children. I make mistakes. I am still learning and growing. And I believe and have always believed that Jesus is the Son of God, the only way to heaven. I believe that Jesus was God in the flesh come to earth to do what no prophet could do, reach His people with salvation. I believe that there is no one else I have to confess to but Him. There is no one else that can hear and answer my prayers, but Jesus.

That is the only reason I know of that God blessed me with such wonderful gifts. I believe in my heart that He can and will do for others what He has done for me. Not because I am someone great, but because of the sincerity of my heart in reaching out to Him.

The most important thing though is that I believe without seeing. I believed before and still believe. If we can believe that Christ saved us, why then can we not believe He will provide for us, heal us, give us wisdom and understanding concerning His Word. The greatest gift He gave us was our freedom from death, our salvation. Why can we not believe He would take care of us, after that?

I believe without seeing. Those are mighty words in the mouth of a believer. They are powerful, and speaking the Word of God they are truth. I believe without seeing.

What do you believe Him for today?

God Bless,

Mar 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.


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