Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Luke 8:45, 47 “Who touched me?“ Jesus asked, Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling at His feet.”

Is there someone crying out for your attention? Is there someone who sees what you have, and wants to know what it is, that sets you apart. Who does God want you to reach out and touch today? Will you see them, will you hear them, and will you answer them?

Everyday when we get up, there is an assignment waiting for us. God has a plan for each day of our life. Who do we see on a daily basis that we have never reached out to? What of the perfect stranger that crosses our pathway?

There are times when we all need someone, will you be ready if someone touches you for a Word from God.

Jesus felt not saw that the women touched His garment. We are sometimes so caught up in our own life’s that we wouldn’t feel it if someone only touched our garment. How many people do we pass each day without a thought of what God did to get them ready to receive a Word from Him, and we are so caught up in our own life’s, we fail to give them what God intends for us to give them.

Has someone ever walked away from you and you thought I should have said something, and did not call him or her back?

I heard a preacher one time tell of getting up one morning for an important meeting. His car would not start. He had to take the bus, which meant 2 transfers. He got off the first bus and just missed the bus he needed; now he had to wait 30 minutes for the next one. Running late, he was stressed. There was another man at that bus stop and the preacher said he felt the urge to speak to the man, but he was worried about being late and when would the bus come, and why did his car not start, he said nothing. Finally the bus arrived and he got on, the other man did not. As he sat there for the ride to his meeting God spoke to him. The Lord told him, “Do you have any idea what it took for Me to get the two of you together. You do realize the frame of mind I had to get him to, to receive the My word from you. And you did not speak to him.”

Everything that this preacher thought was problems was God’s plan to get him to the right place at the right time. We can be in the right place and let the moment slip by.

Take a look around you, is there someone in your pathway that God put there for you to minister to.

Don’t let the touch on the garment go unnoticed, God has a plan. It is up to you to fulfill it.

God Bless,

Job 7:18 And [that] thou shouldest visit him every morning, [and] try him every moment?


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