Saturday, June 19, 2010



I sit here and look out the back door and see a beautiful sight. The property behind me is being cleared. No longer will the woods come up to within 20 feet of the backdoor.

Wait, where will all my birds go? Thoughts begin to race through my head of the snakes that came out when they cleared the ten feet for the fence to be put up. And what is going to go up back there? Who might I ask to find out whom this property belongs to, and what do they intend to do with it? Is the park next door going to be enlarged meaning I will have baseballs flying toward the house, and people hollering for each play that is made? Could it be they are building more apartments, which will mean people in the back yard on the other side of the fence?

I know I am not to worry (Matthew 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof) and I really am not. But suddenly the grass doesn’t look so pretty on the other side. Not that there is grass, nor a tree, there is nothing. It was not a week ago that I wondered why they did not cut it. Now I wish they hadn’t.

The grass is always greener when you are not the one that has to take care of it. This is true about so much in life. We might like something you have but we do not want to pay the price you had to pay to get there. We will pay our own price and have what the Lord gives us.

God Bless Indeed

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