Sunday, June 13, 2010



Suddenly, more understanding started to come, and I knew that was how salvation happened, too. Before a person gets saved, their life is void. The Holy Spirit is on the outside of them, fluttering over them, waiting for the command to enter and re-create “a new creature” in Christ Jesus. It was a revelation of how the Holy Spirit brings light into the life of a new believer.

I understand how salvation would look in the natural in the spirit realm. In my mind’s eye, I saw the Holy Spirit fluttering on top of a man’s head, waiting for Jehovah to in essence say, “Light be.” In the natural, the man is reaching out to God, believing in his heart and confessing with his mouth that Jesus is Lord. He’s doing it by faith because he sees nothing, and he may feel nothing.

But in the spirit realm, the instant he releases his faith, it all starts happening instantaneously; the blood of Jesus comes gushing in and washes away the man’s sin; the Father watches and accepts the sacrifice Jesus made on behalf of the man. He watches as the man becomes a clean vessel. He signals to the Holy Spirit, Who moves from fluttering to inhabiting, and bam! The Holy Spirit flows from his head to his feet, re-creating the man with His very presence. He is filled with light on the inside, instantly becoming linked to God as family, and is a brand new, born again son of God. Glory!

I just want to let you know something about the Holy Spirit. If you’ve got a family member that is spiritually lost, it is just their tough luck they are related to you! Deuteronomy 7:9 reminds us that God is a faithful God who keeps His covenant and you’ve got that promise down to a thousand generations of your family. And you can’t live that long!

All you have to do is accept that and say, “God, I know You said that all Your promises are yea and amen, which means yes and so be it!” Then, pray for God to surround them with people who know God. Pray that God sends them someone they can personally relate to, to show them the love of Jesus without being threatening. In you heart, you know that the Holy Spirit is the One who does the work. As you pray, the Holy Spirit is fluttering around that lost one, waiting for them to call on the name of Jesus, so He can get His command from God to move in!

Excerpt from the Covenant by Jesse Duplantis

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