Saturday, June 05, 2010



From the time you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior until you safely arrive at your home in heave, God’s Word should be the most important thing in your life. The Bible is the cornerstone upon which all church doctrine rests. Without it, we are like ships without sails, unable to navigate through life’s treacherous waters. The Bible is our moral compass, which should direct the affairs of our lives.

For to long, men have denied God’s sacred word, skirted its truths and discarded it as an outdated history book that has lost its validity in a morally bankrupt world. Even great institutions of higher learning, once renowned for their religious training, have been consumed by the new wave of liberal theology.

Former President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.” But too many of us have been faithful to feed our minds while starving our spirits. We are always learning but have yet to come to the knowledge of the truth. Then there are those among us who don’t even desire to take the time to study the Bible. Being weak, they lack any real zeal to devour and digest God’s Word.

The ultimate result of our negligence of the Scriptures can be found in the parable of the sower. The Word was sown four times, but the results were discouraging---only one type of soil possessed the ability to produce a harvest. Three out of four were unable to sustain the seed of the Word. (See Matthew 13:18-23; Mark 4:3-8). No wonder the Bible has little effect in many people’s lives; so often it is merely collecting dust on a bookshelf or coffee table!

Once you are born again in Christ, The Bible should take the place of every other book, newspaper or periodical. Why? Because you will find eternity in its treasured pages!

The Lord placed so much importance on His Word that the psalmist declared, “For thou hast magnified they word above all they name” (Ps. 138:2).

From the book by Rod Parsley, Ancient Wells

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