Friday, May 28, 2010


The authority of the Bible is a deep well in the desert of human existence. It is a source of inexhaustible refreshment, wisdom, knolwedge, sustenance, strength, comfort, hope, joy, courage and purpose, which is unchanging and impervious to every circumstance and obstacle.

Every person, family, church, city, nation and society that believe and live in obedience to this Holy Book will have an abundant life, despite all odds and circumstances. Every individual and every human institution that dares to dismiss it as irrelevant, implausible or outdated will fade from view. Those who live under God's protetion prosper; those who step out from under His covering wings put themselves at the mercy of a devil who knows no forgiveness.

Are you drawing from the pristine well of God's word or from the cracked, contaminated cistern of man's wisdom and shallow philosophies? Revisit the ancient well of your fathers. Redig the well of authority of Scriptures. Return to the Bible of your forefathers, and receive the eternal approval of your heavenly Father.

From the book by Rod Parsley, Ancient Wells.

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