Saturday, May 22, 2010


“For riches are not forever, nor does a crown endure to all generations.” (Proverbs 27:24)

“Treasures of wickedness profit nothing, but righteousness delivers from death. The Lord will not allow the righteous soul to famish, but He casts away the desire of the wicked.” (Proverbs 10:2-3)

“Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.” (Proverbs 11:4)

“Wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished, but he who gathers by labor will increase.” (Proverbs 13:11)

Whether we receive money direct from God in the divine plan that He has set up for our lives, or we receive money direct from the world system itself by running our own show and doing our own thing, all of these Scripture verses are telling us one very vital and important thing – and that is that all of this money and wealth is very temporary in the big-picture, eternal scheme of things, and that every single ounce of it will eventually be pulled away from all of us at our deaths and departure from this world.

No matter how much money you make in this life, no matter how much money you end up saving, and no matter how many money-making enterprises you have built up for yourself, not one ounce of this fortune will be going with you to the other side once you die and cross over. As we have said before, no suitcases will need to be packed on your deathbed, as all of your hard earned money will now be staying right there in the financial institutions that you have put it into, with all of it then being given to whoever you had willed it out to.

So you can get the revelation that is in the above Scripture verses solidly implanted and burned into your mindset with how you should be viewing and looking at all of the money that is flowing through this world, I am going to bold and bullet point some of the above key phrases. These key phrases should be kept front and center in your mind’s eye so you do not ever let money and the love of that money come between you and God and with what God wants to do with your life.

In other words, no matter how many crowns you have gained, earned or bought in this life, and no matter how many fleshly works you have done for yourself, none of it will matter on your death bed, since none of it will be going with you to the other side when you die and cross over. The only thing that will matter to the Lord is whether or not you entered into His perfect will and divine destiny for your life, and then did a good job with whatever He had asked you to do for Him in this life.

The very last verse states that it is the love of money that is the root of many kinds of evil and that this love for money has caused many people to stray from the Lord, as their love for the money has made them greedy and lustful for it. In other words, money has now become their god and they have now placed money and the pursuit of it before God and with how He wants them to use it for their lives.

Just follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis and you will then accomplish everything that the Lord will want you to do for Him in this life. And if you do your part for God by trying to accomplish His perfect will for your life to the best of your abilities, then God will do His part. And part of that will be to make sure that He fully supports you with the specific amount of money that you will need in this life so you can fully accomplish all of His perfect will for your life.

Jesus Himself perfectly states this when He says that only those who do the “will” of God the Father will be the ones who will be entering into heaven.

God's Blessing to each of you,


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