Thursday, May 20, 2010


Proverbs 13:18 Proverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honored.

To refuse instruction will bring shame and proverty upon any and all that refuse to learn. I watch with saddness those that have not had the advantage to get an education. Those in the school system, not being taught because of learning disabilities. Many who do in fact have a chance to learn, sit idly by and not take advantage of opportunities to learn. Why it might be asked. Hard question to answer. Do those that I watch in classes understand that even the Lord of God says that not learning brings about approve and shame.

What of learning the wrongs things in life, that to can and will being about shame and poverty, using our God given abilities to support things that are not of God. I think we all know of someone that has used a talent to pull them selves up forgetting from where that talent has come from.

It is only when we can actually sit back and realize and know for a fact that any talent or ability that we have is a blessing from the Lord, and not something that we ourselves have pulled out of thin air. There are many in this world that have used a talent and accomplished much in life. I wonder how much money and fame can buy, when there is a lack of a relationship with Christ Jesus.

We are to use the talents and abilities that are given to us to promote the Lord. Yes the Lord does want us to desire and want for nothing, but that promise is only to those that believe and stand on His Word.

We do not desire shame or poverty, we desire to live a life that is uplifting and glorifies the Lord.

God Bless Indeed


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