Sunday, May 16, 2010


I do on occasion use my Sunday Editorial as a sounding board, and today is one of those days. So this is my personal feelings.

I will from time to time get an e-mail that touches my heart. I past them alone to family and friends and hope that it touches them as it did me. Not all of them are spiritual, some are about our Military people; some are about getting older, or remembering the past. There was one I received about a dad pushing his son in different races. That to me displayed real love.

My problem is this, if you know me, you know I am a Believer. I believe in Jesus as the only way. Why would someone send me a prayer to St. Anybody? Then ask me to pass it on and if I don't curses will fall on me and my household. To begin with if it has a curse attached what are you doing passing it to anyone? And you call yourself a friend. Friends like you I do not need.

I have deleted another one just now. Say this pray to St. Somebody and pass it to so many people and if I do, something good will happen and if not, harm will come my way.

To be honest I was having a great day. My morning started off seeing an ex-boyfriend that I took one look at and said Thank You Jesus he was never more. I wrote that to make you laugh. It is true. Honestly have you ever seen someone years later that you thought was so special and seeing them again well you catch the idea. Made me feel good. I wish him all the best, am just so thankful it is not me.

Then I come home to someone who calls themselves a friend sending me curses. Look I honestly only have your e-mail cause it was attached to someone else, who sent both of us something. Yes I am guilty I have sent someone something in a group e-mailing by mistake. But I don't really know some of you, could you remove me from your list. If you are a friend then please do not send me something that will offend me.

Please stop and think before you forward/send any e-mail. There are some that are just for the ladies. Some such as Mother's day is coming up that you do not want to send to the friend that cannot have children. And the same applies to the men. People be careful of the feelings of others.

Oh and when I deleted that e-mail I rebuked the curses you sent with it.

Now as always Be Blessed Indeed.


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