Isaiah 55:12 “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”
The Holy Spirit led me to this scripture a few summers ago on vacation at Toledo Bend as I sat early one morning on the porch of our cabin beneathe tall pines and other indigenous trees to that area, glimpses of the sun shining on the lake between them. I sat with my Bible and my cup of coffee and read and prayed and meditated on His Word. I sat there looking for a way to described my morning in His presence and then this scripture was revealed to me and suddenly I was in the midst of a revival in the middle of this wooded area as I looked into the morning with a renewed perspecitive. The Trees were alive as their leaves and branches moved in the wind, I imagined they were clapping thier hands on this beautiful morning to their Creator saying "Thank You Lord for another Day in Your Creation!" The sounds of the morning there with the birds echoeing through the trees and the hills, the wind lightly breezing by, it was a symphony in itself. One just had to open thier ears to enjoy it. I had revival that morning as I revisited God's Amazing Grace and How He has worked in me and through me! I Praise Him for His Wonderful Works around me, the living artwork of His very fingertips and I was at Peace. I was filled with His joy. I felt the warmth of His Love wrap around me as I sat there in the middle of His Creation with a heart exhilarated with Joy and worship, saying "Thank You Lord for another day in Your Creation."
Angel Smith
May 2010
Reflecting back to those intimate God Moments in His Presence.
Thank You Lord that in Your Presence is Fullness of JOY!
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